Chapter Thirty

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"Mum, we have returned," I called out from the foyer, desperately trying to sound composed and nonchalant, but I was anything but.

Jay Dee let go of my hand and sniffed wildly, then followed an unfamiliar scent into the den, protectively walking in front of me.

That was never a good sign.

On one side of the room were her parents and on the other were Mum and Toran, and sitting on the love seat were a couple who I was positive I had never seen before but knew without a doubt that they were werewolves.

"Hey Mom, Dad, what's up?" Jay Dee asked, her tone level and slightly cold, and headed towards them but kept her eyes on the smug looking man and the irritable woman next to him, neither of which would look her in the eye.

Sky forced a smile, her eyes sparkling like diamonds from the tears flooding them. "You look lovely, Dear."

"What's wrong...are we going to war?" Jay Dee demanded before gasping. "Oh my God, is it Jarvis?" she stammered.

"Jarvis is fine," Reign assured her. "Sit," he said, motioning towards one of the chairs but I pulled Jay Dee back and escorted her to the chaise farthest away from the unfamiliar werewolves.

Everyone was looking at Jay Dee; Mum looked exhausted, her parents saddened, Toran guilty, the unfamiliar man was eying her legs and chest, and the woman next to him was glaring at her with hatred in her eyes.

"Can I have your jacket please?" Jay Dee whispered but I had it over her shoulders before she'd finished asking.

If you do not turn your gaze from my Duckie, I will kill you. Friend of Toran's or not, I will disembowel you and strangle that hateful gazed bitch next to you with your entrails.

Jay Dee glared. "If you don't stop trying to look at my tits, I'm going to sic my vampire on you."

I smirked; I loved that we were seemingly on the same page.

"Your vampire?" the man asked, slightly amused, looking from Jay Dee's legs to Toran. "You allowed our Queen's wishes to be ignored, and let her daughter defile her body with a vampire?"

The smugness in his voice made me want to rip his heart out of his chest.

Toran's eyes widened. "I beg your pardon?"

Mum was on her feet in an instant. "You will mind your tongue and tone when speaking of my sister," she warned.

"I would offer my apologies, yet I cannot," he said. "Truly you must understand where my concern is coming from. Our Queen, once again, was targeted by the very people you were entrusted with keeping her safe from."

I started to get up, to address the pompous werewolf's attitude and tone, but Jay Dee pulled me back down.

"Who are you?" Jay Dee asked then licked her dry lips.

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