Chapter Nine

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My boss...uncle, didn't care that I called into work. He assured me that we didn't have anything on the books to do anyway, and that he would have most likely sent one of us home early. He promised to call my parents to let them know that I was safe, and was just having one of those days. Uncle Joe was human; he married my dad's sister who was a werewolf, so he was pretty easy going about that type of stuff. His biggest argument with my parents was to just let me be a girl, to be a kid; he felt that I was being forced into a life I didn't want and was not entirely ready for.

Usually I'd argue with him and side with my parents, but at that moment I was feeling that Uncle Joe was right, and my anything but stable breakdown that morning was testament to just how not ready for the world I truly was.

Tanis sang loudly with the radio as he drove. He wasn't bad, but his Britney Spears sing-over was five octaves lower than his normal voice and it made him sound like a strange pre-op transsexual or drag queen with his balls tucked much too tight.

It was hilarious to say the least.

I knew that Tanis was only doing it to cheer me up. He threw his dignity out the window while we waited for the first ferry. He told me of some of his exploits from when he was younger, and they always ended the same way; in utter embarrassment. Most boys would have done whatever it took to bury the types of stories that he was telling me in order to save face, but each had me laughing, and I was rather confident that was what he was trying to accomplish.

Not many would have done one would have done it.

The drive to his house seemed exceptionally long due to the unfamiliar area and my nerves. Once he had turned onto the long winding driveway, which was bordered by thick woods on both sides, making it exceptionally scary and horror movie'esque, I started to get even more nervous.

"Your mom... I mean, she isn't going to try to sample me or something, right?" I nervously asked.

Tanis roared with laughter, nearly driving off the road in the process. "No. But tell me something, Duckie, why would you ask that about my mum yet you have never asked that about me, and we have been together a lot as of late?" he asked, overly amused.

I scrunched my nose up while I thought about it, chewing on my bottom lip in the process. "It's only been twenty-four hours," I countered, trying to stall for time.

He cocked an eyebrow, looking over at me with an amused look on his face.

"Whatever," I snorted and he chuckled. "I trust you, as strange as that is for me to say. And since I don't know your mom, I'm apprehensive. Besides, when you take someone home and your mom or dad doesn't approve, the worst they get is kicked out of the house with the warning to never return or they'll be running on three legs. With vampires it could be different. Is she going to chase me out of the house with her fangs?" I asked before making fangs with my fingers in front of my mouth. "Get out! Grrrr out," I hissed, attacking his shoulder with my finger fangs.

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