Chapter Twenty-One

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"Damn it, Jarvis, what did you do?" I whispered.

"Er," he started to say but ended up laughing so I punched him in the arm. "Okay, I forgot that she was a total lesbian. Dude, I've been out of town for a while and she could have started switch hitting or switched teams all together."

Tanis laughed so I smacked him in the chest. "Sorry, Duckie," he said, then coughed, trying to clear his throat.

Meadow glared at me. "Either you will accept my challenge, or I will challenge the alpha."

Her warning had no merit.

"You know you can't do that," I said. "One, you're not an elder. Two, you aren't of this pack. And three, my mom would rip your throat out before you finished phasing."

"I'll kill you," she snarled.

And before I could stop her, Cain smashed into Meadow, sending both of them sliding across the dance floor. Cain's long black and pink hair made her look like a punk shag carpet, but her long, white fangs were nothing to laugh at—Cain had over two dozen blood trophies in only four decades of life.

"Cain, relax," I said.

Cain snarled at Meadow, trying to antagonize her.

"This was what I was afraid of," I whispered to Tanis and he nodded his understanding. "I accept your challenge, Meadow," I finally conceded to keep the peace.

"You can't do that," Tanis snarled, stepping in front of me.

"Afraid I can't take care of myself?" I countered, cocking an eyebrow. "Get off her, Cain."

The pink and black wolf snapped at Meadow before strolling to my side. Even as a wolf, her walk was overly sultry; hips swaying, tail slowly sweeping from left to right and back again in an innocent yet strangely seductive manner, large bright blue eyes which contrasted against her black and pink fur.

"I challenge you-" Meadow started but I cut her off.

"This is not your land. You are in our home, so you will play by our rules. The one challenged picks the event, and there is no way in hell I am going to ruin my outfit. The black jeep is yours, correct?" I asked.

She glared at me but nodded.

"Is that rifle in the back window just for show, so everyone thinks you're that redneck backwoods country girl you envision yourself to be?"

"Unlike you, I know what I am," Meadow snarled.

"I know exactly what I am," I said before smirking. "I'm a broke ass reservation girl with a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollar BMW."

Tanis laughed, as did Jarvis.

It wasn't often that I fact, I had never bragged about anything in my life, so that was unsettling but felt really good.

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