Chapter Eleven

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Dad continued yelling at me the entire drive home, through the house, and up to my room, where I slammed the door, locking it behind me.

"Was it not you who said to play nice with the vampires? Was it not you who told me to go out and have some fun and try new things? What in the hell? Why is it that when I finally do, you freak out?" I yelled for what felt like the hundredth time. "It isn't like I was off killing people, swapping fluids with a damn vampire or anything! Tanis' mom was even there, so we were totally supervised...for the most part," I mumbled the latter and threw myself back on the bed.

"You are grounded!" Mom yelled before laughing halfway through the idle threat.

That translated to Mom wasn't nearly as pissed as Dad, and that tomorrow morning, after a mother-daughter talk, all would be forgiven.

I was startled by the soft knock at my window.

"Jay, let me in."

I hurried to the window to let Yahto in.

"Hey, what are you doing out there?" I asked.

It had been at least three years since Yahto crawled in my bedroom window like a misplaced asexual Dawson Leary. I used to tease him by putting on that shitty Dawson's Creek song when he'd climb in my window. He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did.

"Fishing," he said, making a face and rolled his eyes. "What in the hell do you think I'm doing out here? I came to see you." He hugged me tight and threw us back on the bed, and we stretched out like we used to do as kids. "Please tell me that you didn't skip school to suck face with a vampire," he groaned.

I smacked him in the chest. "His name is Tanis, not vampire, and really...something in between. He picked me up for school and I kind of lost it. Not because he picked me up, but because I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and last night I realized a lot of stuff and I didn't like it."

"Wait, you were together last night?" he whispered, the unmistakable sound of disgust in his tone made me smack him again.

"Yeah, you were supposed to pick me up from work and flaked as usual."

Yahto smashed the butt of his palm against his forehead. "Shit, I totally forgot. I am so sorry. Please, oh please, tell me that I didn't steer you to the arms of a vampire."

I snorted. "No. You give yourself way too much credit. Anyway, Tanis was waiting for me when I got off work in case I needed a ride. We waited until six-thirty-one for you, and then he took me to Bellingham for dinner. We ate at that Italian place, D'Anna's on State Street."

"No shit? How was it? I've always wondered."

"It was delicious. I wanted to kill him when I did the math. Tanis didn't think twice about dropping over a grand on dinner!"

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