Chapter Ten

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Obviously Jay Dee didn't fancy me. Most women, when I threw my shirt at them and paraded around topless in front of them—not an everyday occurrence, to say the least—threw themselves at me.

However, Jay Dee was keeping her damn distance as if I had the bloody plague.

I wish Romeo was not still narked about her picking me over him so I could ask him what to do. I would ask Steffen, but he has been out of the game for centuries and it was love at first sight with him and Abby, no effort was needed by either of them.

Bloody hell.

Jay Dee was stretched out on my bed as she absently thumbed through a magazine she had found on the nightstand....

Oh shit.

"What are you reading?" I reluctantly asked.

She held it up and shrugged. "Maxim. I have to say, that's a hot underwear set."

I crawled up next to her on the bed and peeked at what she was looking at, and couldn't have agreed more. She'd look amazing in it, and even better out of it.

"Anyway," she said and turned the page. "What do you do all day or night?"

"Seriously, Duckie, get your head out of the bloody books," I teased, softly knocking into her, and she knocked back. "I sleep at night, this bed is not a prop, and no we do not sleep in coffins, no we are not incapable of sleep, and no we do not stalk the night looking for young virgins to suck dry."

I hissed at her for her amusement and she rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha," she snorted, flipping through the magazine, but the delicious flushing along her cheekbones was back. "So you just sulk in your room from the time you get home until you wake for school?" she surmised.

I hadn't noticed that was exactly what I did.

"Sadly, yes. That is until I met you. Sometimes, to pass the time, I play video games with Steffen, and I am always fighting with Georgiana, and when I am not in the mood for anyone, I go swimming."

She looked at me; something I said had intrigued her. "Swimming, where?" she asked.

"The indoor pool in the outbuilding, why?"

"Whoa," Jay Dee said and tossed the magazine on the floor. "An indoor pool. Sure, why not?" she huffed and rolled to her back then glared at the ceiling. "This isn't going to work."

"I think I missed something," I said as I silently prayed that she wasn't telling me to sod off already.

"Tanis, why am I here?" she asked, ignoring my question.

"Because I asked you over?" I asked unsure, not understanding in the least where her questioning was going.

"No shit, Sherlock, but why?" she asked, adamant. "We aren't the same species, and you're way out of my league, and a lot older than me. Surely you must find me childish and ridiculous, especially after this morning and my little bitch-fest. If you're just trying to get laid, I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not that kind of girl. I've been easily compared to an ice queen, so you can take me home at any time if that's what you're after. I promise, I won't tell anyone so it doesn't cause problems with the pack."

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