Chapter 2

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"Before I came to New York, I lived in a small village in Pennsylvania. The elders still believed in witchcraft and thought anything out of the ordinary was such. Papa, having once arrived in the village to scout the civilization, was shunned away by many; they believed him as a witch, but doubted because of his gender.

Mama, being only a woman who had just entered adulthood, was kind and gentle to let him stay with her. In that one night, my parents learned about one another. How Mama learned that Papa was a wolf-shifter; the reason why he was shunned. And how he learned that she was different from others; reasons why she lived alone.

It wasn't long before my oldest brother Levi was born. When he was two, Papa brought him over here to live. The same happened to Hunter, Lily and Kyle. Diego stayed with Mama for 4 years; I was only two when he left. But because of this cycle, Mama and Papa made a deal: every 7 years they take turns to care for me. When I turned 13, I was told that Mama had contracted a chronic disease.

The village doctor didn't know what it was. The pack doctors could never reach her, and the nearest hospital was a half day drive. The Renegade believed that she was possessed and performed witch-hunt; she was to be burned at a stake. Eventually, I learned that it was not possession. Mama had schizophrenia, because of the loneliness she had without Papa or any of us."

Tears slowly streamed down Magnolia's cheeks. "I knew the world was cruel but... I didn't think that humans would go that far." She sobbed. Angelina pulled her in for a consoling embrace. Camellia shifted closer while Gérard patted Magnolia's hair.

"We're here for you. And we won't let anyone else know." Angelina assured. Then, Ashe cleared her throat, gaining attention. The teens turned to the wolf-shifter. "I believe you all would like some hot drinks, I assure?" She asked. Magnolia's eyes were still red and puffy. They nodded.


The guest trio were in the living room, listening to Magnolia as she explained to them about the wolf system they had. Apparently they had their own 'government' located in St. Petersburg in Russia. Magnolia's pack, White Fang, is the founder of a wolf alliance called the 'Nine Point Alliance'. The Alpha-Beta caste still follows, even in rogue packs.

Then, Gérard walked out of the front door with a "hungry," as a reason. "Hot chocolate, hot and ready to drink!" Marcell smiled as he walked over with a tray, carrying mugs of the beverage.

Angelina smiled. "Thank you, Marcell," she thanked the wolf-shifter. He nodded and left the living room. Magnolia glanced at Angelina's knotted string. She stared into her forest green eyes. "Did something happen between you and Tavi?" She asked.

Angelina averted her eyes, curling her lips in. "Gérard has been a little... distant. In a good way, he has more friends but... I feel left out." Angelina answered as Camellia took a mug and gently blew it cooler.

The snow haired girl placed her hand over hers. "Do you want to say anything?" Magnolia asked, becoming all ears. "Well, it's just that... I don't know how to put but, I don't feel like myself when Gérard doesn't come running into me like before..." Angelina trailed off. Magnolia nodded.

"I want to show you something." Magnolia said and hurried out to the backdoor. Angelina followed. "Are you coming?" The redhead quizzed. "She's going out of the house, and you know how much I hate the cold." Camellia grumbled, still cooling her hot chocolate.

Angelina shrugged and headed out to the backyard. When she arrived in the snowing backyard, Magnolia turned around, revealing a gravestone. Angelina walked closer. "Magnolia," she whispered. The snow haired girl averted her eyes.

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