Chapter 5

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Wednesday came as Magnolia waited with Angelina for Feliciano to arrive. Since the winter was close to an end, the girls stood in the open, savouring the lasts of the winter sun. Magnolia's first period teacher was on medical leave, so she had no class until 9:45. A black Porsche drove up in front of them. The door opened and they saw Feliciano.

"Ciao bella~" he flirted as he climbed out. The scent of a Playboy product filled her nose. 'It's not from this idiot...' Lacrimosa warned. Magnolia took another sniff, after clearing her nose with a tiny sneeze. Magnolia smelled cologne. Very strong cologne. She sneezed again. "God bless you." Angelina excused her.

Feliciano closed the door and the Porsche drove off. "Ciao~ I'm Feliciano!" He smiled. "I'm Angelina Red-Kingdom." Angelina smiled back, giving him a firm handshake. "I'm Magnolia Wolfsbane." Magnolia smiled. "Wow! What a cute girl!" Feliciano complimented.

Magnolia glanced to his pinkie. The red string wasn't glowing and seemed to be tattered, as if wanted to be destroyed. "Well, I'll give you the tour now, until lunch." Angelina smiled and led Feliciano in. In that brief moment when the Italian passed by Magnolia, a whiff of gunpowder stained him. 'He's suspicious.' Larimosa said as Magnolia followed behind. She made a turn to her classroom.

By lunch, the snow haired met up with Camellia in the corridor. "Hold this for me." She dumped a small but heavy box into her hands. "Camey, what's this?" Magnolia asked. "My magie noire equipment." Camellia replied, putting on her jacket to hide some candle wax on her shirt. The Luna raised a brow. "Black Magic?" She asked. "Oui, like tarot and demon summoning stuff, of those sorts." Magnolia stared at Camellia. "Devil worshipper much??" She asked. "Why merci." Camellia sarcastically replied.

"If you were in my village now, you'd been burned alive." Magnolia added. "That's nice." Camellia mumbled. "Hey, Magnolia!" They heard Jordan. They turned around and saw the tan Eurasian running towards them.

Magnolia was the first to brush his presence off. "What do you want?" Magnolia growled. "Chill, just want to talk." He assured. Magnolia didn't buy it. She shove the box back into Camellia's hands before hurrying off. "Damn, just got walked out on." Camellia teased, swiftly walking to catch up with Magnolia.

When Magnolia arrived at the usual lunch table, she saw Feliciano with Angelina. "Ciao!!" He called, waving enthusiastically. Suddenly, Camellia was missing. Behind the former, she sensed jealousy in Gérard. Magnolia turned around and saw the prince gripping his cup, forcing his drink to spill. Saul and Benjamin were clearly disturbed by his behavior.


During history, Myosotis sat next to Angelina in class with Ethan behind them. Occasionally, the Russian would toss paper planes over. Angelina, being annoyed, crumpled the planes together and threw them back at Ethan. "That little git!" She let out an exasperated sigh.

Myosotis chuckled. "But I think it's nice to have a friend like him." Myosotis ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbled onto it. He gave it to Angelina. "I kinda noticed Magnolia getting irritated when Clara's near me. Y?" He wrote.

Angelina took out a red pen and wrote. "Wolves get provoked if their members are threatened. Prob same w/ mates." Angelina turned to face Myosotis. "Can you promise me that you will not let Magnolia see Clara with you?" She pleaded.

"I can't! She keeps coming to me!" He explained. "Then make sure that she's occupied by someone else!" Angelina hissed. "Speaking of which..." Angelina turned around to look at Ethan. He grinned.

"Do you have a valid reason for being absent for the past two days?" She asked. The unexpected happened. "My flight waz delayed becauze of a storm." Ethan explained, voice thick with his native Russian accent.

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