Chapter 20

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Magnolia and Myers looked out at the warriors guarding their side of the house. "There's a low chance of escaping." He muttered, turning away from the window. Magnolia watched her mate juggle a soccer ball with his ankles as Xiăo Lóng sharpen her Dao.

"Could you... pass it to me?" She asked, opening out her hands. "Sure." He gave a light kick and the ball landed in her hands. "Thanks," she smiled and turned to the window. Magnolia threw the soccer ball at one of their heads. 'Wasn"t expecting that...' Astra commented. Myers and Xiăo Lóng were just as stunned.

"Shit!" That warrior cussed. His partner turned to register the situation before laughing at him. The others turned towards Magnolia and she stuck out her tongue at them. They ignored her. "Why are you even guarding me? I can always escape through the backdoor!" She screamed. They still ignored her. "Where's Léi anyways?" She asked, retuning back into the room.

"Mā said that she'll meet us outside the premises." The yellow themed wolf-shifter answered. "I think she want us to think our way out. She always use that method to teach her sons and myself." Myers added, pacing towards her bookshelf. Annoyed with the current situation, he kicked the furniture. "Screw this..." he muttered.

Magnolia turned and saw the bookshelf tipping over. "Myers!" She cried. "Boss!" Xiăo Lóng shouted. Myers looked up and evaded the tumbling books. As soon as the bookshelf crashed onto the floor, they heard the warriors screaming. "Something happened!" A guard cried. "The Luna!" Another shouted. "Hurry!" A third ordered.

"Now that was easy." Myers muttered. 'Should have done that in the first place.' Astra added. Magnolia looked out and saw the empty area, and shifted. Myers and Xiăo Lóng shifted as well and they leapt out of the window. Using the windowsill as a launching pad and with enough strength, the wolves leapt at least a yard or two into the forest before sprinting deeper.

They ran for quite some time until they couldn't see the pack house. "Now all we have to do is- Oof!" Magnolia ran into another wolf. She scurried backed away, her stomach on the earth. Myers stood over his mate when he saw the sand yellow wolf. Xiăo Lóng trotted over and licked her ear. 'So! You made it!' They heard Léi, as she nudged her daughter's snout.

'Yea, kind of...' Myers felt insecure, stepping away from Magnolia. As if proud for the boy, Léi trotted over and playfully licked his snout. 'If only my boys were thinkers like you!' She commented, before turning around. 'Follow me. I know where the Alphas are.' The three young wolves followed the sand colored wolf until they reached a section of the valley that was badly affected.

Trees had scars from defending the packs of friend and foe. Delicate floral damaged as armies marched. No signs of any fauna having survived. 'Oh my god.' Lacrimosa muttered as Léi and Xiăo Lóng scouted the area. 'They moved.' They ran off into another direction. Magnolia and Myers followed behind.

Before long, they found a well hidden area with tents. Warriors turned around, armed with weapons. When they saw the Luna's and Myers, they lowered their weapons. The ladies of Yellow Sand shifted. However, instead of wearing her qipao, Léi was wearing a more westernized and selective outfit.

"Where are the Alphas?" She demanded. A warrior saluted before he pointed at a larger tent. Magnolia shifted and darted for the tent. "Papa?" She called as soon as she threw the tent flaps aside. Her high hopes fell. Besides Kyle, there were three other men instead, both slightly younger than Jëager. One of them was tall with black hair, and looked very tired.

Magnolia easily recognized him as Alexander. Another had short white hair and dark lilac eyes; her uncle Gilen. The other was about his height, with red hair and a white mask, with red fire-like symbols on his mask. "Magnolia." Kyle hurried over and embraced his sister. When he parted, he took a good look at her. "Are you hurt? Diego told me what had happened at the pack house!" Kyle asked, worried.

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