Chapter 8

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Camellia sat in her truck, pounding a rock-classic non-vocal music piece. She heard it from Sachi and found it very catchy. Obviously not catchy catchy, but Camellia catchy. She was waiting for Angelina and Gérard to finish lockdown that early morning. Camellia opened her journal to do another log.

"I heard a voice in my head..."

Then, the door opened and Angelina came in. "Camellia!" She shrieked. Remember that Camellia was pounding the music. The brunette stopped the music and slapped her journal close before she chucked it onto the dashboard. "What was that?" Angelina asked. Camellia started to engine, hoping to avoid the question.

"Camellia." Angelina called with annoyance. "PandorA..." Camellia mumbled, reversing out onto the road. "Where's Gérard?" She changed the subject, as well as changing the radio. "He's meeting Ben and Saul at the bus stop." Angelina replied, sighing. "What about Mag?" Camellia changed the radio until she arrived at her favorite. "She told me that she was going with Firmament." Camellia explained.


At their arrival in school, they saw a smiling Magnolia. Her fingers were interlocked with the fingers of a smiling Myosotis. Angelina headed over to her locker as Camellia trailed behind, noticing Clara attempting to trip Myosotis over. Camellia casually walked over to the strawbie.

As if unnoticed, she walked past the couple and quickly hauled Clara into another corridor before she could cause mischief. "Kingdom!" Clara hissed as Camellia dragged her ponytail by her. As soon as they were away from public eye, Camellia shoved Clara onto the floor.

"Hey, Anderson?" Camellia gave a sly smirk as she folded her arms. "Getting jealous?" Clara stood up. "Definitely none of your business, Stargazer." She snapped back, regaining balance with her pink heels. Camellia gave a sheepish smug. "Really?" Camellia advanced on her with a long step. "Lemme guess, Vargas broke up with you?" She asked.

Clara blushed with embarrassment. "Well, he was a jerk anyways!" She denied. Camellia rested her hands on her hips. "Honestly, I find him very interesting." She smirked. Clara scoffed and marched off. "I didn't need to hear that!" She huffed. "That's what I'd thought." Camellia mumbled proudly to herself before she headed over to her locker.

When she arrived, she saw Magnolia reading something. She hurried over. "Mag, what's up?" Camellia asked as she approached. Magnolia turned around and showed Camellia a letter. In red marker: Watch Out. Magnolia sniffed the letter.

"Cinnamon... and pungent marker.." The latter informed. "Can I smell?" The former requested. Magnolia handed the letter over. Camellia the letter closer to her nose for a quick sniff. The brunette tossed the letter back . "Keep the letter, just in case the same person tries again." Magnolia flipped the letter around and saw MF written at a corner. "Okay..."


In maths class, Feliciano sat beside Magnolia. Currently, he buried his head in his arms, sleeping while the teacher was explaining a question. She glanced his pinkie. There was his formerly damaged red string, now looking much better from before, as if he had found someone who could fix it.

Magnolia glanced up to his head and noticed the wild curl of the sleeping Italian. How it bounced and curled into a heart-shape as he grinned in his dream. Magnolia was tempted to touch it. "Vargas!" The teacher called, still facing the board.

Magnolia recoiled. "Vargas?" She called again, turning around. Magnolia quickly shook him awake, just in time before the teacher noticed that he had been sleeping.

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