Chapter 14

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Myosotis shielded Magnolia with his body as Myers advanced. Magnolia gripped the edge of her shorts. What was Myers going to do? He suddenly stopped. "There's no point in fighting." He turned on them, walking away from the pointless fight. What the hell? Was all Myosotis could think off.

He'd never thought his own blood brother was ever this cold towards him. This selfish, this... unreasonable. Anger boiled in his blood as he balled his hands. Myosotis gritted his teeth and lunged at his brother. "Myers!" He yelled. The twin spun around and took the full impact, landing on his back with a heavy thud.

The twins slid out of the studio and into the hallway. "You'd better stay away from my girlfriend!" Myosotis hissed. "You stay away!" Myers spat, struggling to pry his twin off of him. "No! You!" The twins got into their fist fight.

Magnolia ran out of the studio. She saw them fighting for the upper hand. Myers was resisting Myosotis's punches by grabbing his wrists. "Myosotis! Myers! Stop it!" She cried. Magnolia was about to grab Myo-... wait... Myers? Or Myosotis? Magnolia was more confused than before.'Their scent mixed...' Lacrimosa stated the obvious. What about their clothes? Unfortunately, Myosotis was also wearing a black jacket. And they both wore blue jeans and sneakers.

'Talk about twins who hate each other but wear similar clothing...' Lacrimosa commented. Brushing the comment off, Magnolia just lunged and grabbed one of them. "Let go of me!" One of them punched Magnolia's jaw. It was strong punch, so much that it bruised her jaw. That twin had only realized what he had done when Magnolia fell backwards.

"Ouch!" She yelped as she fell back on her bottom. "Magnolia!" They heard Angelina as heels clicked against the marble floor. They turned and saw the redhead and the platinum haired boy running over. "Magnolia!" Angelina cried, hurrying.

Angelina went onto her knees to help Magnolia up as Gérard went over to the twins. He grabbed one of their arm and yanked that twin off the floor. "You're Myers, aren'tcha?" He asked. The twin averted his eyes. Myers yanked his arm out of Gérard's grasp. He pulled on his hood and trudged away. "I don't need vampire to differentiate between us. We're two different entities." Myers stuck out a dislike hand gesture as he vanished into a nearby corridor.

As soon as he was probably out of earshot, Myosotis got up from the floor. "Magnolia!" Myosotis hurried over to her. He gasped when he saw the bruise. "Mag... I'm so sorry." He took her hand. Magnolia's eyes widened. "Myosotis... why would you do that?" Tears threatened to fall. "Why would you hurt me?" She whimpered, burying her head into Angelina's collar bone.

"Mag, I'm sorry..." Myosotis muttered. 'Now I really doubt whether you're her mate.' They heard a voice in their heads. All of them. Magnolia's eyes were golden in color. Gérard sensed danger and sprinted over to Angelina as Magnolia parted from the redhead.

As soon as she had back-faced the redhead, the wolf-shifter threw a punch at the vampire. The impact was strong. So strong, Myosotis could hear a bone crack; it send as shiver down his spine. Gérard slowly turned his head back, bones cracking as he turned. When he turned to look at Lacrimosa, his eyes were blood red.

"Lacrimosa, you'd better hold your temper in." He growled, his hair turning black from the roots. Angelina took steps away, closer to Myosotis, who was quivering with fear. "So be it, Octavian." Lacrimosa growled. The supernaturals took a defensive stance as they circled, glaring at each other. Myosotis and Angelina took steps back, both making sure that they weren't in the combat range.

Angelina saw Gérard's nails lengthening as he bared his fangs. As of now, Angelina knew who was going to attack first. "Gérard! Stop this! Now!" She ran and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his body. Gérard didn't struggle at first, until he saw the growling wolf.

Myosotis's legs gave way. He was too scared to speak much less too stunned to doing anything. He watched, knowing what the outcome might be. Lacrimosa lunged at Angelina. Suddenly, the wolf was taken down, pinned to the floor by its neck. The person restricting her was Myers. "Myers!" Angelina cried, letting go of Gérard. The vampire slowly calmed down, as his hair returned to platinum.

Lacrimosa was clearly stronger than the best sportsmen in the school, but Myers was holding her down with ease. She was snarling and snapping until she made eye contact with Myers. She just stopped resisting. From his jacket, he whipped out a syringe. Lacrimosa became uneasy after seeing the sharp object. Slowly moving his hand away from the neck, he injected a colorless liquid into the uneasy animal.

A few seconds later, Lacrimosa shifted back. Well, not really. "Why does Magnolia still have her eyes golden in color?" Angelina demanded, parting from Gérard. "Lacrimosa won't let go. Can't do anything." Myers shoved his hands into his pockets, getting up. "But what did you inject into her?" Myosotis demanded, back-facing his girlfriend. "Nothing harmful. Just some reverting done, that's all." Myers sighed.

"But only Rozen Maiden and selected pack doctors know this type of medicine. Why do you know about it?" Lacrimosa frowned, rushing to put on the clothes. "Let's just say I have connections around." Myers replied. Lacrimosa blushed. Her eyes reverted to brown, forcing the blush to disappear.

But Magnolia blushed harder as she hurrier to wear her clothes. "Let's just all head back, and pretend that this never happened." Angelina suggested. Everyone agreed.


Magnolia stared at Myers's number on her phone screen. She was back at home, resting after her homework. She placed her phone on her bedside desk before she started rolling about on her bed. Her phone rang. She rolled over to her desk to answer the call. It was from Angelina. "Mag, are you alright? I see you rolling... like a lot." Angelina asked.

Magnolia sat up to see Angelina at the window, with Silver in sight. "I'm kinda doubting myself now, Angey. Lacri said that Myoy might not be my mate." Magnolia complained. "Also, do you know where Camellia is? I haven't seen her for a while, before lunch break." Magnolia asked. "Ah, yes, Camellia was often pestered by Feliciano.

So she finally gave in to him a few days back and has been hanging out with him since. Uncle Dietrich seemed fine with it though." Angelina explained, writing as Magnolia could hear the pen nib scratching against the paper. More like the two of them had taken interest in each other... Magnolia pursed her lips as she nodded, before she slumped back onto her bed.

Magnolia rolled on her bed. "Do you want to tell me anything? I'm just next door." Angelina asked. Magnolia paused for a moment, considering the offer.

"No, nothing." Magnolia replied, declining it. "And remember, there's the Easter party held in school." Angelina reminded. "Okay." Magnolia hung up. She saw Angelina drawing her curtains close. Then, Lacrimosa took possession and called Myers. She waited. Until when she was about to give up, Myers answered. "Hello?" He asked, sounding tired.

"Did I call at the wrong time? It's pretty late." Lacrimosa asked. "Well, not really... how have you been doing, Lacrimosa?" He asked. Silence. How did he know? Lacrimosa continued. Her lips parted, but she had no words to say. She pursed her lips once more before speaking again "Who's this?" She questioned. "Myers's wolf, Astra." He answered. Lacrimosa became quiet again.

"The Easter party. I'll talk about it then." Astra muttered. "Why do you want to talk about? Why not now?" Lacrimosa demanded. "Well, let's say that there could be someone tapping on the line. I'm a very cautious person." Lacrimosa's breath hitched. "I'm also sure you've realized that Myosotis doesn't fill several categories of being Magnolia's mate. He just fills up physical appearance, which Myers too can fill it up." Astra basically somewhat stated every flaw Myosotis had.

"Magnolia can see the 'Red String of Fate', can't she? So she should know better. And I saw it in you, Lacrimosa. You know Magnolia. Myosotis and Myers are identical twins, so it shouldn't be much of a difference in appearance. But I know your heart raced when you saw me." Even as of now, Lacrimosa's heart was racing, just hearing Astra's voice. She gulped.

"The Easter party." Astra repeated. "Okay." Lacrimosa ended the call and Magnolia regained possession. "What the hell... Lacri!!" Magnolia shouted at herself in the mirror. 'Chill. I'll handle it okay?' Lacrimosa assured. 'I"m here trying to save your ass. Be grateful.' Magnolia frowned. She remembered that Myers's red string and hers were connected. So was Myosotis's.

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