Chapter 11

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"We're here!" Myosotis parked his convertible in the driveway of a larger lime green terrace. "Finally! Food!" Piper cheered, jumping out of his car. Nicole unbuckled her seat belt as Jeanette slipped out of the car. Magnolia got out. The house had streamers and balloons hung on the porch. There were a lot of other girls and a small handful of guys; possibly Amelia's friends.

Myosotis held Magnolia's hand and led her in. When they had just reached the front door, the brunette was tackled by a pair of twins. He nearly fell off the porch. "Myoy!" Magnolia exclaimed. She was taken by surprised by the surprise itself. "Myoso!!" They cried. "Hey! Chloe! Zoe! What's up?" He laughed, getting up.

The girls got off him. "Magnolia," Myosotis stood up and dusted his shirt. "These are the twins, the number two and three oldest cousins, Chloe and Zoe. They're 25." He introduced the blonde twins. Chloe, who was on the right, had short yet straight hair. Whereas Zoe, on the left, had short and wavy hair. Their ivy green eyes glimmered in the sunlight.

"Look at that hair!" Zoe pointed out. Magnolia was quick to pull a lock of her hair into view, embarrassed that there was something on it. Chloe giggled. "It's." She spoke. "Fabulous." Zoe completed her twin's sentences. They giggled and ran back into the house. "I'll introduce you to everyone here." He smiled. Magnolia chuckled.

She smelled all kinds of food that were in the house. Like chips, chicken and fruit punch. She loved the smell of parties. The friends of Amelia were glancing and gossiping, all about Magnolia. It was no different from the first day of school of middle and high school. "Av!" She heard Myosotis call out over the loud music. "Av!" Myosotis shouted this time.

Another blonde girl came into view, with a resting bitch face as she folded her arms. She appeared older than Piper, and she had green eyes. "Mag, this is Evelyn, she's 16." Myosotis introduced. Evelyn nodded, turning her frown into a generous smile.

Magnolia suddenly widened her eyes with surprise. "Don't say it. I know you're gonna say that I looked older than my age." Evelyn muttered. "I get it." Evelyn added. Myosotis chuckled. "Happens all the time. Especially with her name." Magnolia tilted her head with confusion. "Her name?" She repeated, looking at Myosotis.

"Well, yeah. Her name is said as 'Ave-lyn' but it's spelt as 'Evelyn' like 'Eve' and a 'lyn'." Myosotis explained. Magnolia nodded her head away with sudden realization. "Where's Ginny and Amelia?" The brunette asked. "Ginny's in the kitchen with Aunt Karen. Amelia's still having dance class, so she's coming later." Evelyn folded her arms and sneered at Myosotis, for clearly ignoring her while he explained to Magnolia.

She then stared at Magnolia. "Heard that you're the girlfriend." She cracked a smile. "Good job. Better keep him." Evelyn smiled, patting Magnolia's shoulder, before walking away.

Myosotis brought her in further into the house, pushing some boys who were trying to do a dare; the 'Chubby Bunny' challenge. "Aunt Karen!" He called out. "Yes?" They heard her answer as a middle aged caramel blonde woman left the kitchen. "Who's this?" She asked, adjusting her glasses to look at Magnolia. "She's my girlfriend, Magnolia." He introduced.

Magnolia shyly nodded. Karen smiled. "Well, may God bless my soul... look how beautiful you are! Your parents must be blessed." Then, Karen remembered something. "Oh! Ginny is in the kitchen. She wants you to help her." She added. "I'll be back." Myosotis guided Magnolia to the couch.

As soon as she sat down, Myosotis made his way to the kitchen. His house was relatively big, being able to house the other 20 teenagers that were Amelia's friends. Streamers hung on the wall saying 'Happy Birthday Amelia'.

"Hello!" Chloe sat on her right. "Hey!" Zoe sat on her left at the same time. "H-Hi." Magnolia felt awkward with the twins, having met them only moments ago. "Where are you from?" Chloe asked.

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