Chapter 25

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Braginski Security secured the entire valley as the government police was interrogating Ethan at his house. He refused to let them into the Valley, for obvious reasons. In the pack house, present members of White Fang, Black Arrows and Ruby Eyes awaited for the government to leave. Yellow Sand, Amber Claws and All Blue have managed to leave the Valley before the police arrived. The wounded were treated by the pack doctor and the Braginski medical field. Angelina had finished taking a shower and was changing into a set of new clothes (provided by Magnolia) in the said girl's room.

While drying her hair, Angelina looked out of the window and saw the children, remembering a few like Tyson, Mason, Elizabeth and Felix. She guessed that they weren't allowed to leave their rooms during the conflict. The boys played soccer amongst themselves while the girls sat aside, playing amongst one another. Angelina remembered what she had wanted to do after she had showered and hurried out of the room.

When she came down, she saw Magnolia being treated by the doctor. "How's the leg? Can you walk?" She overheard the doctor. Magnolia slowly got off the table and supported herself as she stood. Magnolia walked for a while, before nearly falling. The doctor broke her fall. "If so, then you'll need crutches." Angelina walked over. The doctor left to retrieve the crutches. "Good morning Mag." Angelina greeted. The snow haired teen looked up and smiled as she rested her weight against the table. "Morning Angey!" She greeted. "Where's Camellia?" Angelina asked. "Over there." Magnolia pointed at the couch.

On the couch, slept a tired and exhausted Feliciano with an energy-deprived Camellia, lying on top of him. The copper brunette rested her head on his collar bone while Feliciano rested his chin on her head. The Italian wrapped his arms around her, his fingers laced on her clothed back. She rested an arm under his nape as the other fell over the couch. Zwei was sleeping at the foot of the couch. "They look cute together." Magnolia smiled, looking at their hands. Feliciano's string floated down to Camellia's hand, tying itself to her pinkie. "What about the boys?" Angelina asked again.

"Myoy and Ethan are dealing with the police at his place. Jordan is resting in the medical room. Tavi is taking a nap in a cupboard, and I haven't seen Myers for the whole morning." Magnolia answered. Angelina turned and saw Winter sitting on another couch, at one side. Levi was sitting down on the other side. "They're still uncomfortable." Magnolia added, pointing out their red faces. She looked at the empty space between them. Both of their red strings were connected. "Why?" Angelina asked, again. "Blair's Levi's mate." Magnolia giggled. "So her name is Blair?" Angelina clarified. The wolf-shifter nodded.

Levi rubbed his nape, turning to Blair. "So... How's your morning... so far?" He awkwardly asked. Blair whipped her head around, face full of mixed feelings. "How can you be so comfortable? I'm the Beta of Golden Bell! The pack that harmed your Alpha!" She snapped, obviously unwilling to talk to him, quickly turning away. "It wasn't your fault. You were forced to do it and you aren't the Beta of Golden Bell, anymore. You're now the Luna of White Fang." Levi muttered, inching closer to Blair. She blushed harder, making her face as red as a tomato. "I'm Levi Miyachi Wolfsbane." Levi held out his hand to her. "Blair Winter Schnee." She said, taking the gesture with awkwardness.

However, Magnolia realized something else. "I wanna stay as Luna~!" Magnolia childishly complained. Levi turned and smiled. "Well I'm the Alpha now, and now that Blair is here, you can't be Luna." He tried to reason. But Magnolia was already throwing a tantrum. "I wanna stay as Luna!" She kicked her (abled) limbs in the air. "But if you're Alpha then what about my parfait?" She continued. "I'm sure Hunter can...-" Levi barely completed his sentence. "-No!" Magnolia shouted.

"But Parfait, you're still the Luna of Silver Hearts." Xiăo Lóng added as she emerged from the kitchen with a tray of tea. The snow haired girl's face lit up. "Uwah~ I almost forgot that I still had you guys~" Magnolia crying tears of joy when she was reminded. Angelina smiled, before noticing Jëager walking down the steps. "Now, now, what's the commotion over here?" He asked.

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