Chapter 24

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Paige POV

At school things finally have died down. I'm talking about Jordyn coming out and the "poor girl whose dad killed themselves". I don't say that at all to disrespect my father at all. It's just how people have been treating me, besides my close friends. I feel like everyone around me has been completely fake. I appreciate them not wanting to say the wrong things around me. However, I want to move on and live my life.

Today is the first day of softball. We have practice right after school. Since it's still cold here, we will be practicing in the gym.

Jordyn meets Alexis and me by our lockers before the start of school. I'm surprised that she has her books before us.

"Have you thought about what you are going to say?" Jordyn asks, referring to my talk with her mom this upcoming weekend.

"A little." I shut my locker. "It might be one of those conversations where I can't really prepare. I'll have to go with the flow of the moment."

Jordyn nods in understanding. I look over at Alexis who is staring off in space or so I thought. I followed her eye gaze and it went straight to Jake. He was by his locker down the hall staring right back at her.

Jordyn noticed as well. This isn't something you see often between Jake and Alexis. I know they have a long history, but this is different. They are making it known in public.

"Earth to Alexis." I call out as I wave my hand in her face.

She slowly turns her head towards me. "What?"

Alexis has it written all over her face. I want to punch her for not telling me. "You guys are dating now, aren't you?"

She throws her hand over my mouth. I didn't realize how loud I said that. "Do you have to be so loud?"

I let a laugh out and flash a glance at Jordyn who winks.

"Please don't. You all are gross." Alexis got what Jordyn and I were implying.

"So, are you guys dating?"

She looks down at Jake with the same look she was giving him previously and looks back at us. "Yes."

Jordyn and I both squeal. "Give me the details." I demand. "I'll tell you what I get out of her." I tell Jordyn, realizing she needs to get to class.

Jordyn looks bum, but she knows I'll tell her.

Alexis and I start walking to our class.

"So, who asked who?" I question.

Alexis knows I'll not stop asking, so she is better off to tell me. "I asked him."

I stopped both of us from walking. "You asked him?"

I was speechless. Alexis never gets in a committed relationship, so the fact she asked him surprises the hell out of me. She swore she would never ask a guy out.

She started walking again and so did I. "Yes. We were talking and I asked him. It felt right."

Alexis is being calm, and I'm here freaking out. I feel like this should be the other way around. "What made you decide to do this now?"

They could have been dating for two years by now, but they haven't. So why now?

"To be honest it was Jordyn. We were talking and she made me realize how much I really do like him. I feel like I have been waiting for him to ask me out and he never did, so I took a chance."

Jordyn is going to love to hear she did well playing cupid.

"Look at the sisters being so sisterly. Just think of how things could have been different if you two would have gotten along all those wasted years." I tease her.

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