To Our Luna - Part 3

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Five Years Later

October 31, 1985 - All Hollows Eve

Tennessee National Park

Orange, yellow, red and brown leaves swirled up and over heads as bodies moved to the music. Everyone in the Green Fields Pack celebrated with free souls and light hearts. On stage Delta Max from the Enforcer Squad, third under the Alpha, started the speech. There were a few very important people not in account at the festivities. Namely the Alpha, Luna, Beta and Elder.

The Luna was having a very hard pregnancy her last two months. For the past 12 generations lupine births were dwindling. As well as fewer and fewer females were born. Many were doubtful the baby would last full term never mind survive the birth. If all hope was lost and there was no blessing from the ancestors then faith was lost. It was Max's responsibility to keep high hopes tonight while the Alpha and Luna missed the celebration.

"Hello, Green Fields Pack!" Max howled. "I won't make this long, all I ask is that you eat, be merry and have faith. We have been blessed with our Luna's pregnancy, as you all know, the Alpha and Luna could not make it tonight. We must pray to our ancestors for the birth of our future Princess and keep hope alive. Our Alpha has always believed in the strength and spirit of our pack and we can do not less than do so in return. Join me and call to the ancestors!" Max finished with a howl.

Meanwhile, at the Alpha's home he sat on the porch with his Beta Darryl drinking a beer. Dressed in his favorite jeans and a Doctor Dre t-shirt his 6'5" 255 pound frame filled his clothes to the T. Rubbing his bald head with thoughts of Adila running through his mind a mile a minute. He couldn't contain the worry in his green eyes as he stared at the moon.

"Did you know I pray to the ancestors everyday that Adila and the baby make it through this healthy?" Darryl stayed quiet knowing it was a rhetorical question. He knew Amir just needed to get a few things off his chest. "I have to keep faith that they are looking out for us. I can't even imagine what Scott and Candice when through last month. To lose a child before you even see them has to be devastating. Scott said they will wait a year before trying again. Honestly, the only thing keeping me from having a breakdown is Adila. She is so strong and never complains." Amir shared with his best friend. As he took some deep breaths to center himself, he heard someone approach. By the smell in the air it was Supreme Kevin and his mate Beth.

"Good evening Alpha and Beta." Supreme Kevin and Beth greeted as they stepped onto the porch. "We felt tonight would be the night that the Princess appears." said Beth as she took the seat Darryl offered her.

"Good evening to you Supreme Kevin and Supreme Beth." Amir replied as Darryl bowed his head in hello. "Thank you for coming to visit, but why do you think the baby will come today? Elder John says it could be any day in the next two weeks." Darryl just raised one eye brow in question as the Alpha spoke. Beth just turned to Kevin with a knowing grin as the front door flew open. Elder John turned to Amir with worry on his face.

"Amir, Adila is ready now." Raising his hand to stop him as Amir stood John looked straight into his eyes. "Just so you know before you come in, she doesn't look good. Adila is very pale with dark circles around her eyes and very weak as well. I must insist that you keep calm and a straight face so she doesn't start to worry even more." With a sharp nod Amir knew he needed to be the Alpha to his mate and not an anxious father.

"We would like to assist in any way we can." Supreme Kevin spoke as everyone made their way upstairs. Being first in command of the Enforcer Squad for the Green Fields Pack, Beta Darryl stood outside the door.

"Adila, are you ready?" questioned Supreme Beth as she closed the door.

Adila gave a weak smile as she watched everyone enter the guest room. In her 5'6" and 185 lbs. she looked so fragile. With straight black hair, dark brown eyes and coco brown skin, Adila looked everything like Pocahontas.

"Well, I'm sure glad to have so much help to have one baby. Hello Supreme Kevin and Supreme Beth. Why aren't you enjoying All Hollows Eve with the pack?" Adila said as she nibbled on ice chips.

"Dear Luna, didn't you know this is the best party in the entire territory?" Tisked Beth with a cheeky grin as Adila rolled her eyes.

"And you, David Amir Tennessee, did you think I would have this baby without you here for me to yell at?" Adila spoke calmly to Amir. He wasn't fooled though, he knew whenever she used his whole name he was in deep shit. Especially since she only used his human name when they were in mixed company or she was pissed.

"Come on Luna, you know I would never do that, I was just letting you get as much rest as you could. Do I look like I can't handle this?" Amir replied with a smile so big you could see the dimples in his cheeks. Amir knew that was one of her weakness. Making a sure stride to her side Amir kissed her on the head.

A contraction started to develop, one so strong and long Adila dropped the ice chips she was eating. Everyone gathered around her for moral support, Amir on her left, Kevin on her right, John watching for the baby with Beth ready with towels to clean her off. After ninety minutes of pushing Adila was getting weak. John assured her they only needed one last good push and she would have her baby girl. With the last ounce of strength Adila pushed with everything she was worth.

"It's a girl! Say hello to Amina." John yelled for everyone to hear. John and Beth quickly took the baby to a side table to clean her off. Still caught up in the moment Amir and Adila didn't notice that they didn't hear the baby cry. When Beth called Kevin over while looking at the baby, they started to worry.

"Is something wrong with her? I don't hear her! Why can't I hear her!" Adila panicked when no one gave her an answer. At the table John, Kevin and Beth huddled together whispering something the Alpha and Luna couldn't hear. Before going on a rampage Amir sent one last prayer to the ancestors.

"Your Luna asked you a question! Answer her now!" Amir boomed with much authority. With the effect only an Alpha could supply the room seem to shake with his voice. Just then the three of them stiffened while their backs were turned away from him.

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