To Our Luna - Part 4

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Terrified by their Alpha's words they spun around to face him. On the alert, Beta Darryl rushed into the room, surprise on his face having never heard his Alpha use that kind of voice with the people in this room. Just then a small sound came from behind Elder John. Not a cry anyone would expect, a gurgle of sorts. Realizing what the sound was, Adila let out a sob of relief. After doing a complete check-up and wrapping her in fresh blankets Elder John bought Amina to her mother. All Adila could do was cry silent tears while holding her daughter. Amir dropped to his knees beside the bed thanking the ancestors for the miracle they gave him.

"She's beautiful!" Adila smiled wiping the tears from her face.

"You know this means your in a whole heap of trouble if you can scare the be-jesus out of everyone except for her and Adila." Darryl and Adila laughed.

Adila couldn't believe her eyes. Her baby girl had arrived and what a perfect name Amina was. Relief was an understatement for how she was feeling. Worrying about the health of her child, the condition of the pregnant lupines in the pack, and keeping Amir cool, calm and collected was starting to wearing on her. Now that Amina was here, safe and sound she could relax. She really needed to get some sleep because having a baby is hella hard.

"Alpha, can we speak to you in private?" Supreme Kevin asked still rooted in his spot near the table. Gaining his attention, Amir took one more look at his daughter and mate kissing them both telling her to get some sleep. Noticing John, Kevin and Beth head downstairs Amir asked Darryl to wait inside the room just in case Adila needed anything.

"Congratulations Alpha. I'll call Max so he can make an announcement to the pack." Darryl said shaking Amir's hand with a genuine smile on his face.

Nodding Amir made his way out of the door and downstairs. Now free of worry he focused on what the Elder and Supremes could want at a time like this. Entering the living room they stood until Amir sat down. Judging by their faces something amazing had just occurred. Smiling to himself he couldn't agree more.

Meanwhile, at the celebration Max's cell rang. Checking the caller ID he saw it was Darryl and immediately went into Enforcer mode. There would be only two reasons Darryl would call on a day like today. One if there was a breach at the Alpha's home or two if Luna had the baby. Saying a quick prayer to the ancestors Max answered the phone.

"Delta." he said because he never used hello.

"Max, everything is fine." Darryl answered knowing Max would be on pins and needles if he called. "In fact they are great, Luna just had the baby not too long ago. Ten fingers and ten toes all accounted for. The ancestors named her Amina. Jasmine Amina Tennessee of the Green Fields Pack." Darryl continued.

"That's great news. I will make the announcement now. How is Luna?" Max asked happy to have good news for the pack. Not only because of a successful birth but also to boost moral for the pack. With so many stillborns the mated lupines had been taking it the hardest.

"She's tired as to be expected. She was in labor for over an hour." Darryl answered taking a good look at Adila. Noticing her still very pale skin and the dark circles around her eyes. He would talk to the Alpha if she didn't look better in the morning.

Back at Amir's house...

"Alpha." Supreme Kevin started. "When Amina was being cleaned off Beth noticed something." Thinking the worst Amir started to rise. "Now it nothing wrong with Amina. She is healthy and has all her fingers and toes. As far as the birth it just took her a few minutes to catch her breath. That's why no one heard her cry." Calming down Amir reversed and sat back down. "What we're trying to say is that there is a prophesy. It dates back hundreds of years. My great-great grandmother was in her teen period when it was foretold. Basically, it tells of a female lupine that will be marked with three rings linked. When she is born on All Hollows Eve, she will be blessed to fulfill the prophesy."

"I don't understand." Amir stated shaking his head. "You think Amina is a prophet. For what?"

"Not think Alpha, we know." Beth said with assurance. "Amina has the mark right in the middle of her chest. She has been chosen to correct our species issue. You should have a meeting ASAP and Kevin and I can bring you the Great Book and show you exactly what we're talking about."

Never hearing of any of this before Amir complied. He would talk to Adila and Darryl to settle on a date and time. Knowing Adila, there was no way she was not going to be apart of this. Letting John, Kevin and Beth out Amir told them he would contact them in the morning. Staring at the closed front door he was amazed that so much could happen in two hours. How was he going to tell Adila? Should he even believe it himself? The Supremes had no reason to lie to him and he could tell if they were. Amir figured if he had to deal with his daughter being a prophet it was better than not having her at all. "I'll just have to see for myself, then I'll talk to Adila." Amir said to himself as he made his way back to the guestroom.

"Darryl, I know it's getting late but, can you be back in the morning around 10am?" Amir asked as he walked into the room.

"No problem Alpha." Darryl replied.

Standing at the foot of the bed, Amir felt a little more at ease as he watched his mate and daughter. Adila always had that effect on him by just being in the same room. He didn't even want to think about what could have happened if he'd had lost her. Breakdown would have been putting it lightly. Thank the ancestors Amina made it through ok. He thought back to when they were cleaning her off. With his mate panicking and him actually dumb founded, Amir could have killed the three of them. Why, because for the first time in his life he was scared and couldn't do shit about it. He wondered if his outburst was what shook her enough to catch her breath. He doubted it. Amir realized that he had been calling her Amina like he knew the name forever. Funny how their lupine names all started with A. Looking at his mate Amir noticed Adila hadn't put the baby down once she was put into her arms. All he could see was a tuff of curly black hair sticking out of the top of the blankets she was wrapped in. Trying to decide if he would talk to Adila now or later about the prophesy Amir walked over to put Amina in her bassinet.

"What are you doing?" Adila asked as she felt Amir pick up the baby.

"You know your going to have to share her, she is part mine." Amir replied with a smirk.

"I'm just so happy that she's here. I did everything I could to make sure she was healthy and strong. I know it's selfish of me but I didn't want to end up like Candice and Scott. I wasn't even sure if I should still visit after they lost the baby." Adila said never taking her eyes off Amina.

"You're a wonderful mother and Luna. There's nothing wrong with wishing the best for your child while supporting a friend in her time of need." replied Amir rocking Amina in his arms. Thank the ancestors for the football hold or he would be lost. She was so small. Her tiny body didn't even reach his elbow. Her eyes were green like his but everything else about her screamed Adila. He wondered where all her curly hair came from, while placing Amina in her bassinet, it's probably a baby thing. Turning to Adila he noticed how tired she looked.

"Don't give me that look, I'm fine. I just need a few hours sleep. I already fed Amina, so she should be down for at least four to five hours." Adila said through a yawn.

As Amir climbed into bed he decided that it would be best to talk to Adila in to morning about the prophesy. She gave birth, had the scare of her life and had her mate go berserk all in one night. This could wait till morning. Kissing Adila with all the feelings he had inside him, Amir gathered her in his arms and went to sleep.

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