To Our Luna - Part 9 (Sexual Content)

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Becky and I were kissing on my parents couch. She was straddling my lap moaning my name as I licked down her neck. In her cheerleading uniform she started grinding on me as I went under her skirt to squeeze her ass. Pulling her top off I realized she didn't have any underwear on. Rubbing her titties in my face I caught her nipple in my mouth. Panting she got louder and louder calling my name. I could scent that she was ready for me as I eased two fingers in her hot center.

"Unbuckle my pants and take them off." I said moving from one breast to the other while stroking her clit.

"Whatever you want Marcel." She moaned taking of my shirt then reaching for my belt.

"I'm a let you cum first so you last longer." I said trying to remember how many condoms I had.

As soon as she came, her orgasm flooded my hand and the front of my boxers. She was so wet, she was too wet and it was cold as hell.

"What the fuck!" I shot up waking out of my dream. Realizing I was covered in ice water and my bed was soaked. I closed my eyes trying to get my head on straight.

"Thought you needed help getting rid of that boner." Delta Patrick chuckled sitting a bucket on the floor.

"What time is it?" I asked realizing why here was here.

"Five thirty am, and you're a half hour late." he said heading for the door.

"Can I expect to wake up like this all the time Delta?" I dripped with sarcasm.

"Only when your late, speck." Patrick spat raising a eye brow noting my comment about his rank. "Or when I feel like it." he continued, turning back to the door. "Change into the clothes on your desk and be ready in ten." He added over his shoulder walking down the hall.

I knew getting involved with the Defenders was going to be hard but this was just crazy. Patrick had me run laps around the Rocky Mountain Center. He said it was five miles to get me started but it felt like ten. Next we moved into the weight room in the basement. Setting the weights on 175 lbs. I started to think he was joking. I was lupine and I could lift 250 lbs. easy. He said I should do 100 reps of ten. Piece of cake right, fuck no! After 60 reps my arms started to burn, by the time I got to the 75th set my arms were shaking so bad I thought they were gonna fall off. I was exhausted on the 80th rep and couldn't do any more. Patrick said that was my first lesson learned, it doesn't matter how much you can lift if you can't lift it for an extended period of time. It went on like that all day, him asking me to do something that seemed easy, then him telling me the lesson I should've learn from it. After one day I didn't think I would be able to do it again.

After eight hours of physical torture I blindly dragged myself to bed and passed out. My entire body burned like I was on fire. I woke up six hours later and actually felt better. My body still ached but I felt alert. Not wanting to take a chance I went out back to shift, I still had two hours until my date with Becky.

It still felt disorienting when I shifted but I was quicker then before. I ran for an hour, sniffing trees, chasing squirrels and had a rabbit to tie me over till my date. After taking my shower, getting dressed and stopping by the local florist I was at Becky's place around nine.

"Hey babe, where do you wanna go for dinner?" I asked holding her door as she climbed into the car.

"I'm in the mood for P.F. Chang's. Thanks for the flowers too, they're beautiful." She said smelling them again while I closed her door and got in the car.

"Anything for you babe." I said closing my door leaning over to kiss her full lips. "Yum, watermelon." I mumbled licking her bottom lip before she opened her mouth for me. Becky had a tongue like a animal, when she kissed me, she devoured me. I couldn't wait till the end of our date!

Dinner was really good, Becky always liked it when I let her order. She choose Mongolian beef with shrimp fried rice and asparagus. Who knew the stuff would be good? We didn't really talk much, just school stuff, mostly gossip. It's not like I read books all the time but there had to more to talk about then who's' nose was real and who's' boobs were fake. Signaling for the check she told me we were seeing Avatar at 10:55.

"Tonight has been wonderful Marcel." she said as I started the car. "After the movie we can go to my place. I'll give you the surprise I have when we get there." She said stroking my thigh.

"Are they out of town or something?" I asked. I didn't need anything else drawing my dads attention to me.

"My parents are usually out cold by ten. They take so many damn pills to try and relax, it's like their in a mini coma. Besides we'll be in the family room in the basement." She answered as I parked my car at the theater.

"I heard this was gonna be good." I said surprised she picked something not super girly. I bought our tickets while Becky bought our snacks.

As we went to find seats we spoke to a few people we knew. I got a lot of flirty looks from a group of girls sitting in the back. Becky must have noticed because she did her sexy cat walk back to me and pulled me in for a deep kiss running her fingers in my hair. After our PDA we sat down for the previews. The movie was awesome and the graphics were hot!

On the ride back home Becky was all over me. Licking my ear, rubbing my crotch and whispering all the things she wanted to do to me. I was harder than a baseball bat by the time we got to her house. We took the back door in from the patio at the walkout basement. My little vixen made sure she unlocked the door before I picked her up. As soon as the door was closed it was on.

"Go have a seat. I'm gonna freshen up." She said cat walking to the bathroom.

My dick was starting to hurt from straining against my belt. Figuring I'd cut out some of the work, I took it off, rolled it up and stuck it in my pocket. Man, that was much better! Making myself comfortable I heard Becky walking up behind me.

"You know." She said rubbing my shoulders. "We've been together for a while and I think there's something between us. We get along great and your wonderful in bed, but something just hasn't been right."

"Really, and what do you think it is?" Shit, if she wanted me to say 'I love you', tonight wasn't gonna end well. Don't get me wrong, I like Becky a whole lot but I didn't love her like that.

"Close your eyes and I'll show you." She purred in my ear. I listened to her walk in front of me. "Ok, open them."

I opened my eyes and was speechless. Becky got a bikini wax! It was in this cool design. All I could do was lick my lips, I couldn't take my eyes off it. I never went down on a girl before but at the sight of her I was getting hungry. I put all my will power into moving my head so I could look her in the eyes. When I did her breath shuttered and I knew she could see the heat in my eyes. The big bad wolf was hungry!

"Come here." I growled at her. I could tell that turned her on. Her scent filled the air as she walked toward me. "NOW!" I almost howled.

When she leaped onto my lap I devoured her mouth in a searing kiss. I was so turned on I had to concentrate to slow down. As I licked down her neck she was straddling my lap moaning my name. While she rubbed her titties in my face I caught her nipple in my mouth. Whoa, Deja vu! Panting she got louder and louder calling my name.

"Becky, you have to be quiet. I don't want your parents interrupting us. As hard as I am right now, I don't think I would stop if they walked in." I growled gently laying her down trailing kisses down her body.

Her lips were wet and I knew I wanted her to cum in my mouth. After taking a few licks I feasted on her core then eased two fingers in her hot center. Becky came so hard she lost her breath when she let out a silent scream. While she recovered from her orgasm I striped all my clothes off and put on a condom. Easing between her thighs I kissed her again plunging into her center. Pumping into her for an eternity, I finally was about to cum. I couldn't go slow if my life depended on it, I wasn't too far gone to hurt her, but I had to clench my teeth to keep from howling. With a final thrust she came again and then I followed. Covered with sweat we laid still trying to catch our breaths. As I watched Becky fall asleep she whispered the four words I didn't want to hear.

"I love you Marcel." she whispered.

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