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Elizabeth felt the need to boost her energy by taking a run around the neighborhood. She pulled on a pair of jogging leggings and a white shirt.

Allison sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal as Argent looked at her. "Where are you going? It's Saturday morning."
"For a run." She answered as she pulled a water bottle from the fridge. "I'll be home in an hour."

As she walked out of the house, she ran into the garage, and picked up her pocket knife and placed it in her shoe.

She pushed her hair off of her shoulders as started running.


Her skin glistened in sweat as her shoes crunched against the leaves on the woods grounds. She walked down the pathway, keeping her breathing at a normal pace.

She slowed down as she noticed the sinking shoe prints in the mud before her, and she pulled her headphones out of her ears.

She jumped as she heard a low growl.
She felt her heart stop beating as a large movement yards away caught her eye.

A dark, slumped figure, on hands and feet.

Bright red eyes met hers, and the low growl appeared.

Elizabeth stared in shock as the beast began to walk towards her slowly, and she bolted.

She began to pant as she ran fast, her legs wanting to give out at the steep hills and dents into the grounds as she fled from the pathways. She gasped as she tripped, and she staggered to her feet again. She could hear it catching up, and she ran again.

She turned and hit her back against a tree, covering her mouth with her hand.

Elizabeth squeezed her eyes shut, and she almost screamed as a loud howl filled her ears.

When it became quiet, she looked around to see she was alone.

She gulped for air before running for the roads. Her legs and feet ached as she hit the pavement.

She darted down the road until she reached her street ten minutes later. She could her father at his vehicle as she neared, and he creased his brow.
"Elizabeth, what happened?" He asked as she caught up to him. She blinked as he gripped her shoulders, and then her face.

"Calm down and look at me." He demanded. "What was it?"
"I-I saw it." She breathed out, wanting to pass out as her chest ached.
"Allison, get her water."

Argent pulled Elizabeth in the house. "What was it?"
"It was one of them, dad." She whispered. "The red eyes... It was a werewolf."
Argent pulled back, standing straight. "The Alpha."

"Alpha?" She asked.
"The Alpha's have glowing red eyes, they're the leaders of the pack." He explained.
"It was.. huge." She said, not even exaggerating the word.
"I believe you." He said, walking towards his office.
"What are you going to do about it?"

Argent looked up at her as she placed a rifle on the desk.

"I'm going to kill him."


Elizabeth had trouble sleeping that night. She lay on her bed, staring directly at the ceiling. Her eyes didn't even bother to follow the circulating fan on it.
She looked down at her scraped knee caps, the memory of her tripping in the woods causing her head to spin.

She could've been killed.

She hugged her knees to her chest, closing her eyes.

Is this what it's like to be a Hunter? She thought.

It scared her.

And then she began to think of Allison, her little sister that she promised their father she'd protect.
And she would do exactly that, whatever it took. Even if she had to fight.

Or kill.

Gif is Elizabeth running from the alpha :))

Mad Hunter ✿ Derek Hale Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt