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Elizabeth slouched into the back seat of bus as everyone shouted and talk loudly.
Jason walked towards her, and she sighed.

"I want nothing to do with you." Elizabeth said.
"Are you sure?" He asked, pushing himself into her seat.
Jason's friends laughed as Jason placed his hand over her mouth, causing her to scream. The driver couldn't hear as everyone shouted, and his friends laughed.

She squeezed her eyes closed as Jason placed his hands into her shorts, and someone shouted.
"Leave her alone!" Allison yelled, trying to pass the boys that blocked the bus off. She was shoved to the floor, and she tried to get around them.

Elizabeth had tears in her eyes as Jason kissed her with force, and he pinched her skin, causing bruises to appear.
"Hey!" Allison yelled, trying to get the drivers attention.
As the bus came to a stop, the driver shouted at Jason to stop fooling around.

Elizabeth snapped out of the replaying horrific moment, shooting up from her bed. She was breathing heavy, and she was sweating.

She wiped her eyes as tears fell down her face. She jumped as she heard the door opened, seeing Argent.
"Liz?" He asked, sitting beside her. "Were you dreaming about -"
She nodded, and Argent wrapped his arms around her.

"It's never going to go away." She cried, closing her eyes as she hugged her father.
"That's never going to happen to you again." Argent said, squeezing her.

Allison appeared in the doorway, and frowned. "I heard you scream."
"Sorry." She sighed.
Argent stood to his feet. "Keep an eye on her, alright?"
Allison nodded before sitting down next to her. "We're bed buddies."
Elizabeth chuckled.

She began to think of Derek to calm her, only to realize he turned against them.
She sighed as Allison wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly.

Derek slammed Isaac to the floor as he ran towards him, repeated times.

As Erica crawled behind Derek, she tried to jump onto him, but he grabbed her, and she ended Isaac, on the ground.

Derek walked around. "Does anyone want to try not being completely predictable?"

Erica jumped onto Derek, pressing her lips to his. He barely kissed her back when he dropped her to the floor, wiping his mouth.
"That's the last time you do that." He said.
"Why, because I'm a Beta? Or because of Lizzie?"

"No, it's because I have someone else in mind for you."
"Are we done?" Isaac asked. "I have a few hundred bones that need hours to heal."

Derek grabbed his arm, twisting it as Isaac screamed. "Hundred and one. You think I'm teaching you how to fight? Huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive."
Letting go of him, he walked away.

"If they wanted us dead wouldn't they be coming for us now? What are they waiting for?"
"I don't know. But they're planning something and you especially know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night."
"Until I find out what it is, you all need to learn what I know.. As fast as I can teach you."

Elizabeth sat on the bleachers after their cheer routine as the game started. Allison was sitting next to Gerard when she looked around, seeing Boyd and Erica sitting in the higher bleachers.

"Where's Stilinski?" Finstock asked. His hand started pointing in the crowd of people, and landed on Boyd. "You! You. You play Lacrosse?"
Boyd went to stand, and Erica grabbed his arm. "Uh uh. Derek won't like this."
"Yeah, but I will."

Taking off his jacket, Elizabeth sighed.

Boyd attacked everyone he could as he scored for the team. Scott and Jackson exchanged glances as he won a point for the game, everyone around them cheering as Boyd held his helmet into the air, his eyes glowing yellow.

Elizabeth stood to her feet as she received a non-finished text from Stiles.
As she called his phone, it went to voicemail.

She set her jacket on the bleachers before placing her gun on her hip quickly before running off towards the school.

Elizabeth could hear muffled voices as she walked through the hall, hearing someone near the pools. She pressed her back to the wall as she heard Derek, Stiles and Erica.
Derek popped the basketball, causing Stiles to swallow. "Holy God."
"Lets try that again."

"Alright the thing was pretty slick looking. Um.. Skin was dark, kind of pattern.. I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay because I really need someone to talk to."

"Fine. Eyes, Eyes are yellowish, and slitted, has a lot of teeth. Oh and it has a tail too."
Elizabeth watched as Derek looked above Stiles, and Erica froze.
"Wait have you seen it?" Stiles asked.

A low hiss caused Stiles to turn around, and his eyes widened.

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