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Elizabeth was woken to the sound of a balloon being blown up, and she gasped as a pop occurred. The next thing she knew, she watched confetti fall around her room, her father and sister sitting in the doorway.

"Really?" Elizabeth laughed as confetti fell in her hair.
Argent wrapped his arms around her as Allison laughed. "Happy Birthday."
"Thanks, dad." She said, hugging him tightly. He kissed her head before letting go, letting Allison next.
"Stop growing on me, I feel so young."
"I'm going to ignore that you basically just called me old."

She laughed as they pulled away. "Alright, I made breakfast down stairs, hurry up and come eat so you both can get to school."
"Alright." She said as Allison jumped onto her back. She carried Allison down the stairs as the two laughed.

Elizabeth and Allison were on the field as they went over their routines for the Championships that were close. She had three weeks left until she graduated, and she was becoming impatient.

As she stretched, she saw at the corner of her eyes; a figure standing near the woods. She stood to see Derek, making her let out a shaky breath.
"I'll be back," She told Allison.

Slipping away from the others, she ran across the field, and towards Derek.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I couldn't help but see Jackson's car isn't here." He replied. "Have you seen him here at all?"
"No, I've been out here for an hour."

Derek hummed as his eyes examined her uniform, and she felt her face heat up. "Championships?"
"Sadly." She answered. "I just want to get graduation over with."
She furrowed her brows as Derek placed his hand in his pocket, pulling out something. He grabbed her hand, and placed something inside of it. "Happy Birthday."

She opened her hand, seeing a necklace. It was a crescent moon with diamonds inside of it, and she laughed.
"It's... Not what I expected." She said as she looked up at him. "Thank you."

She stepped forward, and pressed her lips to his. Derek's arm curled around her waist, pressing his hand to the small of her back as he kissed her slowly.
As a whistle blew, she pulled away. "I have to go."
She pressed her lips one last time to his before pulling her hand away from his, and running back to the group as they walked inside.

Argent and Gerard called a meeting inside of the garage as Allison sat next to Elizabeth on the staircase. Elizabeth picked at her lip nervously, grimacing at Allison as she smacked her hand.

"Alright. The party's at a warehouse just inside the industrial sector. Allison has learned that Jackson Whittemore will be there seeking his next target out of the crowd. We have little clue to just how strong he is.."

Elizabeth looked away from Argent, her eyes focusing on Gerard as he pulled something out of his pocket. He dumped pills into his hand, swallowing them.
"There will be no collateral damage tonight."
As he looked towards Allison, Elizabeth inhaled as he spoke. "Go ahead."

The two stood to their feet, and walked up the stairs.

Elizabeth wore black jeans and combat boots as she drove with Stiles and Scott to the secret concert. She loaded her clip before placing her gun on her hip, pulling her shirt down over it.
As Stiles opened the trunk, Scott piped in. "You okay?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You just didn't say anything the whole way here."
"No, I'm fine." He said.

"No.. Not here - not now!"

Scott ran off, and Elizabeth groaned before running after him.
"Scott! What am I supposed to do?" Stiles yelled.

Isaac and Erica walked into the open room, the probe lights glowing through the room.

Matt and Allison walked in, and Elizabeth looked at Scott. "What the hell?"
Allison spotted Scott, walking towards him.
"What are you doing?" Scott asked.
"You told me to go out with him?" Allison answered.

"Not here." Scott said. "You don't get it, we have a plan."
"You have a plan. Okay, my father and Gerard are coming here."
"Why did you tell them?" Scott hissed.
"I-I told them -"
"I had to tell them."

"God - they know it's Jackson." Scott said as Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, irritated.
"People are dying, Scott. What am I supposed to do?"
"You're supposed to trust me!"
"I trust you, more than anyone!"
"We had a plan."
"So do they."

"This isn't going to work."
"What do you want me to do, okay I-I can fix it please Scott just tell me."
"Just stay away."
"Just stay out of the way!" He yelled. Elizabeth sighed before following Scott through the crowds around them.

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