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The three ran towards the exit doors, and tried to push them open.

"What the hell?" Scott asked, pushing at the door again. Elizabeth chimed in, but it wasn't budging.
"It's a dumpster." Scott said as he peeked his head through the small opening.

"He pushed it in front of the door." Stiles said.
"Obviously." Elizabeth muttered.

They walked down the hall again. "I'm not dying here, I'm not dying at school."
"We're not going to die!" Scott said.
"God what is he doing - what does he want!" Stiles said.

"Derek said it's strong with a pack."
"Great, psychotic werewolf that's into team work that's -that's beautiful."

Elizabeth grabbed them by their shoulders, stopping them as she stared out the window. She felt her heart stop beating as the red glowing eyes locked with hers.

The Alpha stood on top of the roof, using his eyes to search for them.

And it ran.

They ran the opposite way as it busted through the window, and down a flight of stairs as it chased them.

Their backs hit old rusted lockers as the beast growled. Elizabeth placed her hand over her mouth as she gasped for air.
"Go." Scott whispered.

Stiles grabbed Elizabeth's arm and pulled her to her feet as they ran again. Her feet were beginning to ache, but she ignored it all as they ran.
"Alright, we have to do something." Stiles said.
"I don't know."

Elizabeth pointed at the room they stood next to, and they peered in. No windows, complete darkness.
Stiles dug in his pocket for his keys, and Scott's eyes widened.

As he tossed the keys into the room, Stiles pushed Elizabeth and Scott out of the way as he charged inside.
They all slammed the door shut, and Scott moved a desk into the way.

Elizabeth sighed of relief, but jumped as he roared.

"I'm not scared of you." Stiles said after he tried to get a look at him. "Cause you're in there, and we're out here, and -"
He was interrupted as the ceiling tiles fell to the floor, and Elizabeth's eyes widened.

As the ceiling above them began to open, they ran once again.
"Good going!" Elizabeth yelled.

Allison walked slowly down the empty and dark hallway with a flashlight. She swallowed her sudden nerves away. "Scott?"

At the end of the hall, the Alpha moved swiftly across it.

As Elizabeth, Scott and Stiles walked around, Scott stopped them. "Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Stiles asked.
Elizabeth swallowed. "Scott?"
"That sounds like a phone ringing!"

Elizabeth stopped breathing. "Oh my god, no no no."
"I know that ring." Scott said. "It's Allison's phone."
Stiles dialed her phone number, and Elizabeth sighed of relief as she answered.

"It's me, where are you?"
"I'm in the school looking for you, why weren't you at my place?"
"Where are you right now?"
"On the first floor."
"Where? Where are you at exactly?"
"By the swimming pools?"

"Get to the lobby."

Elizabeth sighed of relief once she seen Allison, and she wrapped her arms around her.
"Why did you come here?" Scott asked.
"Because you asked me to?"
"I asked you to?" He asked.

Allison showed him her phone, and he read a message.

Meet me at the school. URGENT -Scott

"Why do I have a feeling you didn't send this message?"
"Because I didn't."
"Did you drive here?" Stiles asked.
"Jackson did."
"Jackson's here?" Elizabeth groaned.
"And Lydia."
"What's going on and who sent this text?"

She answered her phone as it rang. "Where are you?"
The doors opened, and Jackson appeared with Lydia.
"Finally, can we go now?" Lydia asked.

Elizabeth grabbed Allison's arm as thumping occurred above them.

Each of them ran as fast as they could down the hall as it gained on them.
Hurrying into a classroom, they shut the door and moved a desk in front of it.

"What was that?" Allison asked.
"Scott, what was that?" She asked again.

Elizabeth swallowed.

"Guys if we could just wait a second." Stiles tried as they ignored him.
"Guys, listen to me."
"Guys? Stiles talking?"


Everyone stopped, and looked at him.
"Okay, nice work." He snapped. "Really beautiful job everybody. Now, what should we do about the twenty feet wall of windows?"

Elizabeth looked at Allison as she stared nervously.
"Will somebody please explain to me what's going on here because I'm freaking out here." Allison begged.
Elizabeth grabbed her arm and pulled her into her side.
Scott sighed.

"Somebody killed the janitor." Stiles answered.
"What?" Lydia asked as she clung to Jackson's arm.
"Yeah, the janitor's dead."
"What's he talking about is this a joke?" Allison asked as tears formed in her eyes.

"He's telling the truth." Elizabeth said. "We seen it."
"Who killed him?" Jackson asked.

Scott hesitated.
"No-no no, this was supposed to be over. The lion mountain killed -"
"Don't you get it?" Jackson asked. "There is no mountain lion."
"Who was it?" Allison asked again. "What does it want?"

Elizabeth felt tears in her own eyes as she closed them, wondering what Derek would be doing in this situation.

Scott fumbled with his lip.
"I-I don't know, it just.. if we go out there, he's going to kill us."
"He's gonna kill us?" Lydia asked.
"Who? Who is it?"

Scott inhaled.

"It's Derek.. It's Derek Hale."

Elizabeth felt her mouth fall open as she stared at Scott.
"Derek killed the janitor?"
"Are you sure?"
"I saw him."
"The mountain lion -"
"No! Derek killed them!"

"All of them?"
"Starting with his own sister." Scott said, and Elizabeth snapped.

She went to lung at Scott, but Stiles grabbed her waist. "You son of a bitch!"
"Elizabeth?" Allison asked.

"It's been Derek the whole time... He's in here with us, if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us too."

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