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Chris Argent had his arm around Elizabeth's shoulder as Victoria held Allison, dodging through the crowds of people as officers guided them through. The bright lights caused Elizabeth to blink several times, and she followed the people before her.

"Maybe this was a bad idea."
"It wasn't my idea." Victoria said.
"It sure as hell wasn't mine." Elizabeth muttered.
"I tried telling him. But he insisted on making a point of it."

"Who?" Elizabeth asked.
"Just sit down sweetheart." Victoria said. Her and Allison sat down as Argent and Victoria looked at each other.

As the boy that gawked at Allison at school took snaps of her on his Canon, an elderly hand covered the lens, picking the camera up.
"This looks expensive." He said.
"Yeah, nine hundred bucks."
"And how expensive was this?" He asked, holding up the pink and silver chip.

Crushing it, he dropped it on the ground, and handed him his camera back.

Elizabeth watched as he neared, getting an odd feeling.
"Christopher." He said, hugging him.

Gerard kissed Victoria's cheek as she hugged him, and he turned to Allison and Elizabeth.

"Do you two remember me?" He asked.
Elizabeth and Allison both nodded.
"Considering I haven't seen you since you were three and six. I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa."

Allison smiled as Elizabeth looked at her father, and he looked back at her.
"So if it's comfortable call me Gerard for the time being. But I prefer grandpa."

Elizabeth looked at Argent again as he sat beside her, Gerard next to Allison.

Elizabeth and Stiles were standing at a scene where a heart attack victim was killed. Stiles walked towards her, sighing.
"What'd you find out?" She asked.
"The other night, that girl in the cemetery's liver was gone."

Elizabeth rose a brow. "You mean to tell me some monster is running around and taking peoples liver?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying."

A crack in the bushes caused them and Stilinski to look towards the noise, and red hair stuck out.

Lydia, who was covered in dirt and leaves, shivered as she stepped forward and into the light.
"Well? Is anyone going to give me a coat?"

Sheriff pulled his eyes away from her as Stiles grabbed his shoulder, only to fall forward, hitting the ground.
Elizabeth shrugged her arms out of her jacket, and ran to the girl. She helped her put her arms in it and zipped it up so she wouldn't show.

Scott chased the wolf through the woods as it tried to run. "Wait! Stop!"

The mans wrists became tied as he hung from the air, and Scott was pushed out of the way. When he looked up, he seen Derek.
Derek dragged him away and hit his back against a tree. "What are you doing I can help him -"
"Wait here!" He said, holding his squirming arms.
"I can help him!"

Derek's eyes focused on the group of Hunters that appeared, including Elizabeth, who was being pulled by the arm.
"I was in the middle of something." She said to her father.
"Just wait." He said, watching as Gerard stepped forward.

Derek looked at her as she stood there uncomfortably, rubbing her hand over her bare arm.

As Argent electrocuted him, Elizabeth looked away; Derek holding Scott back as he tried to break free.
"Who are you?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Nothing, I swear."
"You're not from here, are you? ARE YOU!"

"No.. I came looking for the Alpha."

Elizabeth's heart was pounding in her chest, and Derek could hear it.

"I heard he was here, that's all. Look I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living, he wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't I swear!"

"Gentleman!" Gerard shouted.
Elizabeth moved as they stepped forward, and she saw something at the corner of her eye.

Derek and Scott.

Derek stared at her, and she exhaled. She pressed her lips together before looking back at the werewolf.

"Take a look at a rare sight. Wanna tell them what we've caught?"
"An Omega." Argent answered.
"The lone wolf. Possibly kicked out of his own pack."

Elizabeth swallowed as Gerard picked up a shining sword from their stash, holding it. "Because as I'm about to demonstrate, an Omega rarely survives on his own!"

She gasped and looked away as the Omega's body was sliced in half, and she covered her mouth to muffle her scream. Scott squirmed in Derek's hold.
"Do you see what they do? This is why you need me. Why we need each other the only way to fight them, is together."
"What are they doing?" Scott asked.

Derek's nostrils flared. "Declaring war."

Elizabeth felt tears running down her face as Argent walked towards Gerard. "We have a code."
"Not when they murder my daughter."

"Your daughter murdered innocent people!" Elizabeth shouted, walking towards Gerard. She pushed at his shoulders and Argent grabbed her arms.

Gerard ignored her as he stuck the sword into the ground. "No code, not anymore. From now on these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening?"

Elizabeth moved her blurred eyes towards Derek, who almost frowned.

She closed her eyes, knowing he was listening to her.
"I'm sorry."

Derek didn't say anything as he listened to the sound of her voice, and watched as she followed her father out of the woods.

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