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Elizabeth made it just in time back to the school as the parent teacher conferences began. She hurried into the school to see her mother and father both waiting outside of her homeroom.
She wiped her eyes just in case her makeup ran from crying, and she inhaled.

"Where's Allison?" Her father asked.
"I don't know, I haven't seen her at all today." She said.
"She isn't answering her phone." Victoria said.

The door opened, and they all three stepped inside.

Elizabeth sat down next to her father as the teacher began.

"I've said it many times, Miss Argent is a terrific student. She has several A's in most of her classes and few B's. She's always on time and is rarely absent, I'd say she's doing great for her last year of High-School."

Argent smiled and rubbed her arm, and she just smiled weakly.
"She's also passing with two electives, Art and Cheer. She seems to be doing great in both, and I'm not surprised - she's a great student."

"That's great to hear." Argent said as Elizabeth crossed her legs.

Elizabeth was listening, but all she could think about was Kate, and if she was supposed to tell her father or not.

She jumped. "I'm sorry?"
"I asked if you'd like to skip an assignment for such excellent attendance and grades."
"Oh, yeah... Thanks."

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Argent asked.
"I'm fine." She lied, smiling.

As they moved on to Allison's conference, Elizabeth texted her.

Where are you? We're all worried.

"Allison Argent. An incredible, sweet girl. And quick to adjust despite on moving around."
Victoria's smile faded and Elizabeth almost snorted.
"We know it's hard on her, but uh.. necessary."
"Necessary or not I'd be prepared for some.. How do I put this.."

Elizabeth finally snorted.

"We appreciate the concern but we have a great relationship with our daughter." Victoria smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that, and let her know that I hope she's feeling better."

Elizabeth, Victoria and Argent looked at each other before looking back at her. "What she wasn't in class?"
"Oh, she wasn't in school. I checked with the office."

All three stormed out of the school as Victoria and Argent tried to call Allison.

"She probably shut her phone off." Elizabeth told them.
"Kate hasn't heard from her either."

Elizabeth cringed.

"She doesn't do this -
"Excuse me, you're not Allison's parents, are you? I'm Scott's mom and I hate to say this but he's not answering his phone, either."
"You're his mother?" Argent asked.

"Funny how you say that like it's an accusation."
"Well I wouldn't claim it as a source of pride since he kidnapped my daughter today." Argent snapped.
"Dad, calm down." Elizabeth hissed.

"How do we know skipping school wasn't your daughters idea?"
"My daughter -"

He stopped as Allison and Scott got out of her car.
"Is right there."

"It's not his fault, it's my birthday and -"
"Allison, in the car." Argent demanded.

A loud scream caused everyone to stop, looking around. People began to run around the parking lot, and Elizabeth swallowed.
Elizabeth grabbed Allison's arm and pushed her towards the car as Argent and Victoria looked around.
She could see Scott trying to look.

Argent appeared with a gun.

Elizabeth could see Scott's eyes glowing the odd yellow as he watched the legs of the animal run by.
Honking caught Elizabeth's attention, and her eyes widened as she noticed a car coming straight towards her sister.

"Allison!" Scott yelled. He leaped in the way and pulled her out of the way in time.

Sheriff Stilinski circled the parking lot, and Elizabeth gasped as a car pulled out, hitting him.

"I'm okay." He said.
Elizabeth held Allison as the sound of a gun went off, and she looked over to see her father holding his gun in the air before him.

Everyone calmed down and gathered towards the animal, and Elizabeth didn't let go of Allison as they pushed through everyone to see what it was.

Argent held his gun as each of them looked down at a dead mountain lion.

Gif is Elizabeth running through the school parking lot!

Mad Hunter ✿ Derek Hale Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora