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Elizabeth smirked as the lights to the rink turned on, and Allison rubbed Scott's arm excitedly.
Lydia stayed behind as Stiles smiled.

Elizabeth sat beside Allison as she pulled her shoes off. "I haven't done this in years."
"Since the last time dad ever took us." She chuckled.

Elizabeth slid across the ice, spinning around as Allison tried to help Scott. She laughed from afar, seeing Scott fall to the ice.
"Scott, you're disappointing me." Elizabeth laughed as she slid towards them. "Come on, wolf boy. You can do it."

Allison and Elizabeth watched as he slid. "I think I got i- "
The two watched as he ran into the separating wall, falling.
"I think you hit your head." Allison said.
"What's that coach?"
"Yeah, he hit his head." Elizabeth said, stifling a laugh.

Elizabeth and Allison sat in the photo booth, and took pictures after her and Scott finished. One was of them smiling, the other was them laughing, one was trying to look scary, and the other was them hugging.

A loud scream caused them to jump out of the photo booth, and run for the ice. Lydia sat on the ice and screamed as Stiles held her, looking at the three confusedly.

Elizabeth stood behind the wall as Scott approached Erica at her locker.
"Two's not enough I know Derek needs at least three. So who's next?"
"Why does there have to be a next when we've already got you?"
"Who's next?" He said in a louder tone.

Elizabeth sighed. Why was Derek doing this? Why was he turning teenagers?

At lunch, Elizabeth sat down at a table as Allison sat across from her, Scott behind her.
"I know how it looked but she came up to me."
"I'm not jealous." Allison said.
"You're not?"

"She's with Derek now, isn't she?"
Elizabeth chewed on her apple, ignoring the fact that she had asked. "Like Isaac?"
"You can't get caught in the middle of this."

Elizabeth thought back to Gerard, going against the code. She stiffened as Allison brought him up, and Elizabeth wanted to throw her knife across the room, not caring who it would hit.

As Allison left the table, Stiles grabbed Elizabeth's shoulder and dragged her towards Scott.
"See that?"
"An empty table?" Scott answered, sounding like a question.
"But who's empty table is it?"

Elizabeth swallowed.

"What if he's at the ice rink?" Elizabeth asked as they walked down the hall. "We can see if he's there."
"I don't know, I just.."
"Think about it... Derek said he's giving them the choice." Stiles said.
"And Erica looks really good."
"How good do you think she'll look with a wolfesbane bullet in her head?" Scott asked.

"Look, we can't just let this keep happening. The more Derek turns people, the more hunting sprees from Gerard."
Stiles sighed. "Can't you do anything? Aren't you like.. His girlfriend or something?"
"If you know Derek well enough you'd realize he is complicated at showing his emotions." She replied.

Scott and Elizabeth drove to ice rink, where Boyd was on a cleaning machine.
"Boyd?" Elizabeth asked.
"We just wanna talk." Scott shouted. "Come on, Boyd please."
"Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on full moons, I mean everything."

Boyd finally stopped. "He told me about the hunters."
"And that's not enough for you to say no?"
"I just want to not each lunch alone everyday."
Elizabeth frowned as Scott continued. "If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek."

"That really hurts, Scott."

Elizabeth and Scott turned as Derek stood there with Erica and Isaac.
"I mean if you're going to review me, at least take a, consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"
"Hm.. In a word, trans-formative."
As she snarled, Elizabeth swallowed.

"Well I'm a bit bummed to be a fugitive, but other than that I'm great."
"Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight."
"Then go home, Scott."

As he stood there, Derek tilted his head, and Erica and Isaac moved.
Scott slammed his fist into the ice, now changed, and Elizabeth pulled her gun out and aimed it at the blonde. "I meant fair for them."

Isaac was slammed into the glass as Erica tried to fight Scott. She was pushed into the machine, grunting.

The two ganged up on Scott, and Elizabeth felt a hand grip the gun in her hand. She whipped around to see Derek, who stared at her.
"Get out of here."
Elizabeth swung her free arm at Derek, who caught it in his grip. She gasped in surprise and lifted her leg, kicking Derek, but he didn't budge.

Derek wrapped his arm around her and pulled her away, causing her to pull the trigger. Shooting the roof, a piece of debris fell, but Derek shielded her.
"Stop." He growled.
She felt tears stinging in her eyes as she pushed at Derek's chest, and he stood there.

"You stop." She said as she sniffled. "Don't be like this."
Derek watched as she held her gun to his chest, and tears fell down her face.

"I can show you what type of Argent I am." She said through gritted teeth.
Derek wrapped his hand around the gun, pushing it away.
"You would've done it by now."

She watched as he neared Scott, his claws extending. A loud roar left his mouth as he walked towards him.
Elizabeth picked up her gun as Derek fought him, and aimed it at his leg. As she pulled the trigger, it clicked.
"No no no." She said, pulling the clip out.

No ammunition.

She ran across the ice and pushed at Derek's chest, and he stepped back. Scott lay on the ice as blood spewed out of his mouth, coughing.
She looked up at Derek. "Go to hell."

Derek didn't say anything as he and the others left, and Elizabeth wiped her eyes before helping Scott to his feet.

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