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Elizabeth arrived back to the school just in time for detention, raising a brow as Allison, Stiles, Scott, Jackson, Erica and Matt walking towards the library; where she was headed.

"Do I want to know?" She asked.
"Probably not." Stiles said as they walked in. Elizabeth sat at a table with Scott and Stiles, the others at a table feet away.

She looked at Scott. "You found Jackson, didn't you?"
"I could hear him attacking you during my test. I hurried down to the locker room and - "
"They almost tore each other apart." Stiles finished.

Scott looked around for a minute. "Why do I smell Derek's colo - "
He looked at Elizabeth, who bit her lip as she pretended to read the book in front of her.

"You didn't."
"But I did." She said, turning the page.
Scott scoffed and Stiles rose a brow. "What did I miss?"
"They slept together."

Stiles' eyes widened. "You and Derek - "
"For the love of god, I'll shoot you both." Elizabeth snapped, motioning to Allison.
They looked at each other, and Scott shook it off.
"Hey, what if it's Matt?" Stiles asked.

Elizabeth looked towards the boy as he sat next to Allison. "This whole thing comes back to the video, right?"
"Danny said that Matt's the one who found the two hour footage he was missing."
"Exactly. He's trying to throw the suspicion off himself."
"So, you think Matt, is the master?" Elizabeth asked.

"Because he's evil." Stiles said as he ranted.
"You just don't like him."
"The guy bugs me - I don't know what it is. Just look at his face."

They turned to look at Matt, who was eating a bag of chips. As he offered some to Jackson; who shook his head, Elizabeth snorted.
"Any other theories?" Scott asked.

Elizabeth kicked their feet as she watched Jackson place his hand to his head, and he stood to his feet.
"Are you alright?" Mr. Harris asked.
"I have to go to the bathroom." He said, walking out of the library. "Just need to get some water."

Mr. Harris stood. "No one leaves their seats."
As soon as the door closed, they all stood and ran to Erica's table, leaving Elizabeth to sit there and tap her nails against the table.

She sighed as the images of her and Derek flashed through her mind. She lifted her hand to her jacket that covered the blotching hickeys Derek left on the lining of her neck, and her collar bone.

Allison seen her, mouthing. "Are you alright?"
She nodded and pulled her hand away. "Just an itch."

Elizabeth looked around as the loud speaker announced. "Scott McCall, please report to the principals office."
She looked at Scott, who shrugged.

As Jackson and Mr. Harris returned, Harris zipped his bag, and everyone stood to their feet.
"Oh, no I'm sorry. Yes, I'm leaving, but none of you are."
Elizabeth groaned.
"You may go when you're done with the re-shelving."

As he left, Elizabeth stood to her feet again and walked towards the cart of books. She ignored the others as they talked about Jackson's date of birth, leaving her to put her books away quickly.

As she placed a book away, she watched Matt and Jackson on the other side of the shelf. "You okay, dude?"
Jackson let out a breath as sweat beaded on his forehead, and he nodded.
She turned, throwing a book at Stiles to get his attention. He jumped before turning to her.
"Thanks for that." He said.
She grabbed his wrist. "Tell Scott to look at Jackson."

Stiles looked at him himself, before turning to Scott.
Elizabeth swallowed as a book fell to the floor, causing both her and Scott to walk towards it.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as Matt lay on the floor, a slash mark across the back of his neck.
As they leaned down to him, they shielded themselves as something leaped across the tops of the shelves, the light busting above them as books fell.

"Erica!" Scott yelled as his eyes glowed.
Elizabeth ran and fell beside Allison as the books tumbled onto them, letting them hit her instead of Allison. Stiles helped shield them both as Erica grunted, falling to the floor.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "SCOTT!"
Scott turned around, and Jackson stood there, his eyes slitted and the side of his face was dark and scaled.

Pushing Scott into a cart, he fell down, crawling towards the others as Jackson lifted a piece of chalk, his head dangling upward as he wrote.


Elizabeth swallowed as it leaped out of the window.

As Allison and Scott neared the board, Stiles and Elizabeth ran to Erica, who was in the middle of the seizure.
"I think she's having a seizure."
"I think he's alive." Allison said as she held Matt's head.
"We need to get her to the hospital." Stiles said as Erica continued to seize.

"D-Derek." She stuttered as she squeezed her Elizabeth unknowingly.

"Go." Allison said.
Elizabeth grabbed Erica's head and placed it into her lap as Stiles called for Scott. Erica panted as Scott picked her up, the three of them running.

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