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As they neared the Hale house, Stiles, Scott, Allison and Elizabeth stopped.
"She came here?" Stiles asked. "You're sure?"
"This is where the scent leads."

Stiles sighed before they continued walking.
"Alright but has Lydia ever been here?"
"Not with me." Allison said, watching as Elizabeth shook her head.

Allison said something about Derek to Scott, and Elizabeth looked towards her. She hadn't seen Derek in days.

"You mean looking for an Alpha."
"Wolves need a pack, right?"
"Not all of them."
"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to apart of a pack?"

Elizabeth walked past them, following Stiles as he looked around. Stiles knelt to the ground, brushing leaves away. "Woah hey, look at this. You see this?"
"It's a trip wire." Elizabeth said, examining the wire as Stiles held it between his fingers.

As he yanked it, Scott was thrown into the air, tied by his ankle.
"Yeah, buddy - oh."
"Next time you see a trip wire, don't trip it."

Elizabeth and Allison laughed.
As they walked forward to help him, Scott held his hands up. "Wait-wait wait!"
Stopping, Scott looked around.
"Someone's coming. Hide!"

They looked around. "Go!"

Elizabeth grabbed Allison's arm and ducked behind one of the trees.

As Scott looked in front of him, Argent and others walked towards him. "Scott."
"Mr. Argent."
"How're you doing?"
"Good.. you know.. just hanging out. This one yours? It's uh, good."

"What are you doing out here, Scott?"
"Looking for my friend."
"Oh that's right. Lydia's in your group now, isn't she?"
"Or the clique is that the word you use? What's the other way to put it..  part of your pack."

"Actually clique sounds about right to me."
"I hope so. Because I know she's a friend of Allison's and the special circumstances such as yourself. One I can handle. Now two."

Elizabeth rubbed her eyes and sighed. Guilt erupted through her stomach at the fact that she was dating a werewolf and wasn't allowed to see him, but she had been around Derek, with no punishment.

As they left, they went to cut Scott down, but he clawed at it.
"I think I got it."

Isaac was speaking to Sheriff Stilinski, and was in the middle of lying about his black eye when he noticed Derek standing near the woods.
When the Sheriff turned around, he wasn't there.
"Something wrong, Isaac?"
"Sorry I was just remembering - I have a practice I have to get to."

Elizabeth and Allison were at their lockers when they both heard two girls across form them talking.
"Her aunt. Murdered all those people."
"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all of the people."
"Yeah the fires and the animal attacks, it was her aunt."
"Are you kidding me? I sit next to her in English class."

Allison slammed her door shut before storming off. Elizabeth looked at the two girls as they stared at her, and she flipped them off.

She grabbed her things from her locker and walked off, thinking about Derek again. She didn't know where he was or what he was doing, or where they stood.
Her head ached at the thought of him, and how weak he made her. He was her soft spot, and he didn't even know.

She thought back at the night Kate shot Derek, and how she told him how she felt about him.
She wiped away the single tear that fell down her face, and walked into her final period.

Mad Hunter ✿ Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now