Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


"Alex." I shoved him off me. He was still asleep with his arms around me. A smile made it's way across his lips.

"Shh.." He whispered, pulling me in closer. I giggled and shoved him again, this time I stood up quickly so he couldn't pull me back in. I liked being close to him, but I feared I was getting too close, too fast.

"Come back.." He pouted, his eyes fluttering open to look over at me. I laughed shaking my head as I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom where I got ready for the day.

After I'd finished the daily routine I made my way back into the main room, which was empty now. Guess Alex was out. Shrugging my shoulders I grabbed a key card and went down to the lobby.

"There you are." Sydney laughed, "I lost you guys yesterday."

"We just went back to the room and watched movies," I laughed, "If you ever came back to the room, you'd know that."

"I think I'm getting him to crack." Syd giggled, "He looked angrily at me as he past us this morning." She gestured to Jeff and the other guys.

"Really?" I was surprised, he was angry? He was nearly perfect this morning. Well, he at least seemed content. "When isn't Alex angry?" I chuckled as I look towards the door, hoping he'd make his appearance.

"I guess, but you had to see his face to get it." She shrugged and pulled on my arm. "Let's hang out, you and me."

"What about the boys?" I asked looking at the table of laughing guys.

"Eh." She waved them off, "I'm tired of them, I want to hang with my bestie in Cali. "

"Really?" my voice giving away my surprise.

"Yeah." She told me in a duh tone, "so Shopping?"

Grinning I nodded, "Sure."

Sydney wrapped her arm with mine and we walked out into the street. We were close to the shops and the mall wasn't too far away so we walked everywhere.

Nearly four hours later we were finally done and decided to head back. Justin and Harry greeted us with excited smiles when we walked in, apparently they'd been waiting for us.

"I'm so tired." I complained when I had set down my bags and I laid down on the bed.

"Me too." Sydney laughed tiredly, "Whose bright idea was it to go shopping anyway."

Groaning I flipped over so I was laying on my back. Justin's laughter was boomed in my ear as he was leaning over me. I jumped in fright and smacked him on the chest.

Justin caught my hand and pulled me up so I was now standing on my feet. I whinned as I looked at him under my lashes, "You can sleep at the beach, come on."

"I don't want to." I rolled my eyes.

"You want me to carry you?" Justin's eyes shone with amusement as he cocked an eyebrow down at me.

"No." I sighed and grabbed a towel. Justin smirked and threw his arm around my shoulders as Harry did the same to Syd. Syd growled something lowly to him causing Harry to drop his arm and smirk.

I was about to sit on the towel when I was picked up off the ground and thrown over Justin's shoulder. I squealed in surprised and began hitting his back.

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