Part Ten

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"Kiss Me Again"

Part Ten:

Julia's POV

Don't you hate it when you're at a friends house and then their parents starting yelling at them? You don't know what to do so you just do nothing but watch it all go on?

Back at the parking lot was the same thing except they were fighting over me.

I tried to not show my hesitation when inviting Momma A to stay at loft. I should be right? I mean, our bunch isn't the easiest to sleep to.

"You can have the bigger bedroom of you want Momma A." I offered.

"I love that nickname." She mused." Momma A makes me seem hip and fresh."

I stifled a laugh at her hand gestures as she tried to be 'hip' and 'fresh'.

"Well I'm glad you like my nickname for you but the matter at hand is that you might not feel comfortable here. You and Harry can take my bedroom and I'd be more than happy to take this room."

"Nonsense my darling. I'll be more than comfortable here." She assured me.

"Okay then. If you need anything before you get some rest Harry and I are in the room down the hall." I informed her." Goodnight."

She walked up to me to give me a warm hug.

"Goodnight darling."

I closed the door behind me as I walked to my bedroom.

Harry was already tucked in bed as soft snores escaped his pink lips.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After brushing my hair and teeth as well as changing into my pajamas, I went to my window seat and opened moved the curtains to the side. I sat up with my legs crossed over each other.

The LA lights were so bright, but not as bright as the moon. The way it's shining even on this clear night makes me smile.

I don't know how long I stay there. I guess I wish it was like those bedtime stories. A girl would be whisked away using the stars as steps to rest upon the moon.

I slowly began to doze off. The moon being my nightlight.

In some cases I'm like the moon. Unaware of all the responsibilities you carry on your shoulders.

"I'll get through this..." I sighed as I let sleep take over me.


"I'd rather not stress her out anymore. She should just rest for the day."

"Treating her like a sick child is no way to go about this Harry. She may have no memory but she is still the same independent woman she has been all her life."

I squinted my eyes open. Two blurry figures stood before me. When my vision cleared up I saw Harry and Momma A.

"Good morning." I croaked. My throat was dried than the desert.

"Oh sorry love, did we wake you?" Harry said sitting next to my lazy body. He brushed the birds next of hair I have all up in my face away.

I simply shook my head as I enjoy the warm palm of his hand on my skin.

"You can go back to sleep if you like." He offered but I denied it.

I slowly began to sit up from...the bed? Harry must've carried me to the bed. that must explain the knot in my neck.

I rubbed my hands away from my face and furiously pushed my hair away as well.

When my face didn't look as messy, I pulled Harry in for a hug. I don't know why, but he seemed stunned by my actions. He slowly slid his hands to wrap them around my body.

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