Chapter 4:

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The girl's father was being dragged away from us by another two guards that I didn't know but had the royal emblem stitched onto their breast pocket. He was still yelling at Ryder but none of the others looked towards him, they just continued dancing like this was a common occurrence.

Turning away from the chaos I walked towards the closest door opening, leaning against the cold cement. Ryder followed me, placing a hand beside my head, almost blocking everything else out from us. The guards also surrounded us so not one person could see us.

Knowing that we had some privacy I placed the both of my hands over my stomach, shaking my head at Ryder as he tried to do the same.

"You knew I'd had relations..." he said slowly as his eyes moved to his friends for support. None of them met his eyes though. "I told you that and I told you what I had done to some of them and why?"

"I know," I whispered to him, rubbing my thumb over my stomach. "It's just hard to hear."

Ryder leant forward a little, to press his forehead against mine. I wanted to pull back away from him, avoid his touch, but the sparks were there, drawing me into him.

"He wasn't supposed to be here. He is the Alpha of the next pack over. He didn't receive an invitation for tonight." My breath caught at his words and I pressed my hand to his chest.

"An Alpha's daughter?" Ryder opened his mouth to say something but stopped, wrapping his hand around my wrist to hold it to his chest. "I need to be alone for a little while. Go have a drink with your friends. I will stay with Hayley."

"Lottie," he stretched but I shook my head and walked away from him letting his hand drop back to his side.

When I reach Hayley's side I wrap my hand around the crook of her elbow. She smiled gently at me and slides her hand down into mine. Cole moves to stand behind us as the rest of my guards joined Ryder on the opposite side of the town square.

"Charlie slept with someone else." She says suddenly her eyes trained on her mate. "I suppose three out of the seven of them waiting for their mates isn't so bad."

Smiling at her sense of humour to cheer me up I looked over at the group of guys as well. Ryder was laughing amongst them but I could see that it wasn't true. "Who are the three that waited?"

"Well Maxon sensed Ellie as his mate three days after he shifted he didn't really have time to be with others. Theo met Lena when he was fifteen. This one," she said as she tilted her head back towards Cole who raised his eyebrows at her tone. "Always primp and primed to perfection, wouldn't dare tarnish that. He met Eleanor at Ryder's mating ball."

"What about you?" When I asked her smile fell as her eyes met her feet.

"I only met him a year before you met Ryder. He's only been with one other women but I agree it's not an easy thing to hear."

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