Chapter 11:

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Hello Lovlies long time no post. I'm sorry but if you've followed me long enough you know I'm a flake but here is another chapter, I hope to have another one soon but don't hold me to it. Hope you like this because it's one of my favourites.


I was seething and Ryder's eyes burning into my back weren't making it any better. My lips were pursed and as I moved my eyes to Eleanor I see that she's fighting a smirk as she pinned the material of my dress back, and her look was not helping how I was feeling.

"I don't want to see her Ryder." My throat hurt by how roughly I said the words. "Especially looking like this." Looking down I eyed the sheer black material that was embroidered with small flower appliques and how my belly swelled visibly underneath it.

Ryder exhaled and I watched him through the reflection of the mirror his hand going to run through his hair but he second guessed messing up the immaculate styled locks. "I know you don't want to, but you have to. It will be five minutes at most and I will have my arm around you the entire time because you are the one that I love or have any interest for."

"I don't trust that woman any further than I can throw her and I do not want her anywhere near our baby, me or you." Eleanor jumped back as I turned quickly, my stomach twisting into a knot with the fast movement.

When my narrowed eyes landed on Ryder I could have sworn that I saw his jaw twitch, he felt how angry I was. His eyes moved down to his feet and I could hear his thoughts so strongly he may as well been speaking aloud.

"I am not some hormonal mother trying to protect her pup Ryder." Taking a step closer to him I raised my hand, my finger pressing into his chest. "You get moody when I so much as even glance in the direction of a male that isn't a guard and now you want me to go to a dinner and watch her fawn over you all night while expecting me to just stand at your side."

His hand came up swallowing mine and pulling my finger from his chest and I let him, the tingles I felt calming my harsh breathing a little. I wasn't done with him but I didn't reject his touch. I knew that I was going to have to do this but it seemed that it snuck up behind me, I wasn't prepared to deal with it and I really did not trust Elizabeth knowing about the baby.

"You're mine," I whispered taking another step closer to him.

My belly pressed against Ryder's and now his free hand lifted to press against its side. "I know and both you and this little one are mine. I won't let her hurt you, she often over steps her boundaries and if she does it tonight I will make sure that she knows it."

"People will notice." I concentrate on the soft feel of his fingers massaging my belly, I shouldn't have been relaxing but his touch always had a way of doing that. "I thought you wanted to keep it quiet."

"People would be more suspicious if you wore something to cover it up and it would be a night of them whispering behind your back wondering if you were pregnant. This dress doesn't hide it nor does it flaunt it and if they look for it they will see and know and they won't gossip. If you want to change, you can."

Turning away from Ryder his hand slipped slowly from my belly and he watched me with a soft look as I looked back over the dress Eleanor had pulled out. It was nice, something I wouldn't pick for myself but I liked it.

The triangle shaped bit of material that covered my chest was a solid black, the same material as the sash that tightened around my waist just below my breast. That was the only solid material the rest was the sheer black lace that had lines of small embroidered flowers, the material flowed down from my waist with a cape that started at my shoulders, exposing my back and it aired out behind me with every step I took.

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