Depression explination

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"What?!" Jeff shouted. Mertha just kept walking slowly, trying to get farther and farther away.

"It's not what you think Jeff. I didn't actually give birth to a child, or anything." Mertha said. "Its just that; our family was storked."


"It's when someone who has given birth to a child leaves said child on ones doorstep, then just leaves, leaving the people they left it for their problem."


"Well, one day, two years ago. I  found myself looking down at a 10 week old baby girl on my doorstep. My parents and brother were really shocked and scared. I mean, we didn't have time for a baby. Everyone was so busy with work and school to raise another child."

"Why didn't you take it to a adoption clinic?"

"We tried that. But that was aparently illegal to give a child that wasn't blood related to you. If my mother had the baby or somethin then ya, we could have. But the thing is you can't turn in a storked baby."

"So what did you do with it."

"Well since we couldn't do anything with it, we just had to do our best to take care of it. But I had to take care of it. A few days earlier, Brenda Maddie thought it was funny to put some chemicals she took from the science lab and put them in my drink during lunch. (Thank god that bitch is dead). I was just lucky I didn't die, but I was house rested for about two and a half months until I could completely get rid of the virus I gotten from it. So, I was put in charge of the baby for that time.

But after a month with the her, I grown very attached to it. I did everything I could to make it see that I was it's mother. So it could have a parent to look after he. I fed her, clothed her, played with her. And I even named it, Misty, if I remember? Eventually, I fell in love with her. I didn't want to part with her for as long as I lived.

Later on, after I kicked the virus, I was able to leave the house and take Misty with me. Sometimes, I would take Misty for walks, played with her in the park and I would watch her crawl around on the grass, letting Misty discover the world and have fun while doing it.

But, one horrible day, Brenda saw me with Misty, and was filled with so much anger.

"What are you doing with my baby?!"

"Your baby, she was lefted on my doorstep, you gave her up, you didn't even want her."

"Well I will take her back. I don't want my baby to be raised by a slutty emo." Brenda then took her away, right out of my hands.

"Now what's a good name for you... how about... Brenda junior; oh you are going to love it. Let's go meet your daddy." She walked away, the baby started crying, but Brenda just muffled her hand over her mouth as she walked.

I felt absolutely devastated, she took away the thing I loved. She abandoned that child and took it away once she found out who was raising it. She didn't know where I lived so of course she wouldn't have known who she was giving it up to. Later on, I went through a very deep depression. I didn't eat or sleep for days. Later on, the news reported that a young girl gave up her child for adoption. Brenda, still didn't want that child, but she still took it away when I had it. I just wonder where my little Misty is today. I still miss her."

"Wow, that is absolutely horrible. I guess your bully was just as bad as mine used to be... Mertha?"


"Let's go back to the house, I want to show you something." Jeff said. He started walking back to the house. They walked farther than they thought they would because they were practically in the middle of the woods. But Jeff knew the woods by heart. As they were running home, they were passing by the cemetery that was close by the woods. Mertha watched many gravestones passed by them. Not far in the distance, a funeral was going on. many people dressed in black stood near in mourn. Mertha froze in place.

"What's wrong Mertha." Jeff asked, he looked at the funeral that Mertha was looking at. Jeff was also surprised to see three coffin there."Huh, oh..."

"M-my family."

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