Chapter 2: Start Of The Chase

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Elena's POV

The next day, I woke up very late. And I decided that it is better to attend my remaining classes right after lunch break instead.

"You guys have better lunch here compared to my old school," I commented as I took a large bite of my cheese burger from the cafeteria.

"Yeah, we've always had good food here," Louis said as he munched on a fry. He started looking around the cafeteria, looking for someone I'm guessing.

"Hey Louis, are you searching for someone?" I asked confused.

"Uh yeah, but nevermind I guess." He replied as he continued eating his remaining fries.

I stared at him for like a minute. Did he have other friends? Was he a loner before we arrived here?

"Where is Harry?" He whispered to himself. I heard him because I was just sitting right next to him.

"Harry?" I questioned, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Uh yeah, Harry Styles. He's my best mate." He replied a bit shocked. I guess he didn't expect that I would hear him.

"Oh there he is!" He grinned.

I gave him a confused look as I turned my body around to see Harry, the guy with the curly hair, sea green eyes and a pair of dimples. To simplify it, Harry is the guy who stole my lockerOnce he spotted me sitting right next to Louis, he gave me a cold hard stare. I swear if looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under the ground. I turned my back at him and took a sip of my drink. I wasn't ready to confront him yet but I guess this is it.

"Who's this delightful creature?" He sarcastically said as he reached our table.

I kept quiet but I can't help it. I glared at the person towering over me. What is he doing here? Doesn't he have classes to go to?

"Listen to me, and you listen well. I don't care if your ego is the size of freaking Russia. Don't come thinking you can run this school, this town, or this state. Your looks won't get you anywhere with me. I will crush you and you best believe I'm not bluffing, pretty boy." I jabbed his chest with my finger as I glared up at him.

"Who do you think you are?" His eyes darkening.

"Well my name is Elena Davis, and I'm gonna ruin your life. You want a game? Game on styles." I smirked. I started walking out of the canteen but I felt him grabbed my arm.

"You do not talk to me like that! I rule this school and you are nothing compared to me. What is your problem? Are you having your time of the month or are you just a bitch 24/7?" He barked at me, catching the attention of everyone.

I rolled my eyes as I made contact with Harry. I felt the blush creep up on my cheeks and my heart felt like it was beating in my throat. How dare he say that? Menstruation of all things!

"What is your problem?" I screamed at him gritting my teeth together, struggling to jerk my hand off his tight grip.

"You are my problem! Do you honestly think you can just go walking around this university like you own it? You are pathetic do you know that?" He said with cold eyes. My eyes started tearing up. I wasn't used to this. 

I think he realized that I was about to cry. I felt his grip on my arm losening. This is just too embarassing. It's my second day in this university and I've already managed to embarass myself by crying in front of everyone. How pathetic of me.

I didn't reply. I just couldn't bring myself to talk. I bowed my head in shame and silently walked out of the cafeteria.

Once I arrived at my house, I realized that I would have to go back to that hellhole. I didn't eat and thought about the possible things I could do to get away from that animal. In the end I decided that I will just have to move into a new university, I might need to ask my mum for her approval though. I may be a little bit late but atleast I won't see his face again.

My sister went home after an hour and she straightly went up my room. "Elena?" She soothingly asked, seeing my state. I looked like a decaying organism if you couldn't tell. I didn't reply, I felt sorry for leaving her at school.

"Look, I just want to say sorry for not standing up for you at lunch. I was at the restroom I swear I would've helped you if-" She started. She looked like she was about to cry.

"No, it's not your fault Frankie! It's okay I can take care of myself." I bit my lip, I knew I couldn't.

"Well what are you planning for tomorrow?" She asked, doubting me.

"I'm going to find a new university-" I started.

"Are you crazy? Mom will kill you!" She screeched.

"It's worth a try," I frowned.


I'm sorry for the crappy chapter. I actually don't have any plot for this story yet, but I promise that I will finish this. I would love to recieve any of your opinions/comments! Just comment it down below, thank you!

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