Chapter 16: Who In Their Right Minds Eat Chalk

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Harry's POV

"I think you should cancel the bet," Liam muttered.

"No," I paused. "I can't back out now Liam." I sipped my beer glaring at him.

"But she's a nice-" I cutted him off.

"Liam do you like her?" I spat.

"Are you kidding me! Of course I don't Harry, don't be ridiculous I have Mary!" Mary. She was Liam's new toy. Ever since they started dating Liam became sweet, caring, hopeless, pathetic love sick puppy. Even I can't stand him sometimes. But I guess that's what love do to people. Make them an idiot.

"All I have to do is make her fall in love with me," I thought out loud.

"Maybe you're falling in love with her?" Liam smirked.

"I swear if killing was legal," I muttered to myself .

"You'd kill me? Aww Harry I know you love me even if I annoy you more than anything else in the world!"

"Whatever man tomorrow is Monday and I don't plan on being late at school," I bid him goodbye and went straight home.

I know I can't let myself fall for her again. Loving her destroyed my family, my life and me.

Elena's POV

A second before sleep enveloped me last night I realized one thing.

I was starting to fall for Harry.

And I really need to get rid of those feelings because when I start to like someone, it's really bad.

"Goodmorning" Someone said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning," I acknowledged him, my mouth already  full of bread toasts.

"Where were you the other day? I haven't seen you." He mentioned.

"Uh I was out with some friends. Why? You missed me, didn't you?" I didn't even notice that my voice sounded flirty.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "Uh yeah I did," As those words left his mouth I felt my cheeks go warm.

"Good morning my fellow earthlings!" Frankie greeted, entering the kitchen.

"Why so cheery?" Zayn asked her.

"Nothing I'm just a morning person!" 

"Or maybe because of a little guy named Louis," I smirked at her.

"You're dating Louis?" Zayn shockingly asked as Frankie blushed furiously.

"Everyone stop with your gossiping and go to school. It's Monday and you don't want to be late." My mom ordered, shaking her head. We bid her goodbye and went out to school.


By the time 5th period was over it was Lunch break. Frankie, Louis, Harry and I were crammed into the crowd on the way to cafeteria. I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Elena I'm so sorry I forgot but me and Louis need to go by Mrs. Meyer's classroom to fetch some things-" I cut Frankie off.

"Go," I knew they really needed to go.

"But will you be-" She doubted.

I cut her off with a laugh. "Yes Frankie. Just go I have Harry with me."

Both of them muttered a thankful reply before they went away. I turned around and that's when I noticed that Harry wasn't next to me anymore.

"Or not." I sighed deeply.

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