Chapter 5: Tampon Styles

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I woke up extra early the next day since it was the official start of my revenge. Once I arrived at school, I went straight to Harry's locker. I found the locker open. Psh. Dumb ass. I got a box of tampons out of my bag and shoved it all into his locker. I closed the locker and headed to class before anyone else could see me.

Once I made it inside the classroom, I took the seat at the second last row of the classroom and got settled. The bell rang and the other half of the students flowed in the classroom. The teacher wrote his name on the board which read, "Mr. Gomez," and smiled at all the kids in the class.

"Welcome everyone, my name is-" The teacher started, but got interupted by someone opening the door. My eyes flickered over the door to reveal a red faced Harry. He looked pissed. Even the teacher looked a bit scared.

"Ah Styles, what a great way to kick off the year." Mr. Gomez said in a non surprised tone. Harry didn't even acknowledge the teacher and walked straight into the classroom passing me on the way to take his seat in the back row. The teacher sighed and continued in introducing himself.

As the lesson was being taught, I felt like eyes burning through my neck. I shifted uncomfortably and glanced behind to see Harry glaring at me. He made eye contact with me once I look at him. His sea green eyes bore into mine as he just glared. He looked away after a couple more seconds and looked at the teacher. I turned my back over to the teacher as well, feeling his gaze fall on my back again.

"Okay I will group you guys into 5 and I want you to create a short skip about about Romeo and Juliet-" Mr. Gomez started.

"Mr. Gomez isn't too early? I mean we've just met-" The guy infront of me raised his hands. 

"Young man, we don't always get what we want do we?" Mr. Gomez stared at the guy. The guy didn't answer and Mr. Gomez continued saying the instructions and groupings.

"Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Janine Michaels, Elena Davis and Harry Styles, you are group number 1, no complaining guys it's final." The teacher said.

Yeah, I hate this teacher already. "Okay guys we still have 10 more minutes, you can meet up with your group mates now." All of us groaned but still went to our group mates.

"So who's house are we going to stay at for practice?" Louis' cheery voice said.

"When is this again?" A girl snottily said. She must be Janine.

"On Friday, I think." I smiled. She just rolled her eyes at me. What just happend?

"We can go on your place if you want," Niall said, looking at Louis.

"It's settled then! See you later after school!" Louis said.

Harry didn't even speak. All he did the whole time was glare at me. As soon as class was over, I went out of the classroom, being the first one to leave. I felt a hand pull me back. Harry.

"I knew it was you," He whispered before walking past me.

After all the classes, we met up at Louis' place. It was a normal house. Harry is late but no surprise there.

"Why don't you guys start planning, while I get us some snacks?" Louis smiled.

"Would you guys mind if I help Louis?" Niall suddenly said.

Me and Janine nodded our yes and started planning. "So what is the deal between you and Harry?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"If you want him, you can have him." I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Just a reminder I want him, okay? And you better back off before I break every bone in you body." She fakely smiled. I raised my hands up in surrender.

"No need for threats Janine, that douche? Well you can certainly have him." I complied.

Both of us sat in silent until we heard the front door open, "What is going on here?" Harry asked, with a confused face.

"Nothing, come sit here!" Janine smiled, patting the spot next to her. Harry just gave her a "wtf" face but still sat beside her.

"So have you guys planned anything yet - oh, hi Harry!" Louis said, entering the room. Niall following behind him.

"Not yet-" I started.

"What are you saying Elena? Of course we did!" She fakely smiled. I stared at her for a brief moment but then shrugged.

"So what did you plan?" Louis asked doubtfully.

"Well I was thinking-" Janine started.

"You were?!" Niall fakely gasped.

I snorted. Nice one Elena, how lady like. I thought.

"Shut up, loser. Well as I was saying, I'm thinking of just, reading lines from the play you know? The courting part and all! We could just memorize them for extra points, and we can even assign the cast right now! Elena here can make the script!" She said. I groaned.

"I will make the script don't worry. What about you Elena? Any suggestions?" Louis said. He must've heard me groaning. I made a mental note to thank Louis later.

"What she said ," I mumbled. There was no point in arguing with her. What she wants, what she gets.

"Okay then," Lous said.

"Hey guys I have to go, it's getting late. See you tomorrow, Harry." She winked. 

Harry just gave a slight nod. I saw Louis taking his laptop and started typing. I glanced at Niall and He was playing with Beef, Louis' dog. I started playing with my fingers.

"Fuck!" I heard a scream. I looked at Harry and he was fast asleep on the couch. I looked at Louis and he was starttled as me. And I looked at Niall. He was rolling on the floor, his left cheek had a slight scratch and Beef was nowhere in sight.

"Guys, I just realized why I'm a cat person!" He screamed, agonizing in pain.


i'm so sorry for the grammatical errors! best comment gets a dedication!

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