Chapter 3: Meeting Zayn

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I woke up to the sound of my mum crying.  It was 3am. It took me a moment to figure out where to go.  I silently scurried down the stairs. And saw her sitting at the last step. I sat down on the spot right next to her. I must have looked a bit stupid. Oh wait, I did look stupid. Just imagine my zombie like face, with my red puffy eyes from crying and my bird's nest hair. Trust me when I say it wasn't a good sight. I shook myself, trying to think straight.

"Mum are you okay?" She wasn't replying. How stupid was I? Of course she isn't okay! She's crying her eyes out for godsake! It's been so long since I last heard her cry. It's been so long since we grieved from my father's death.

"I'm sorry," She kept repeating. What is happening?

"Mum what is happening? Why are you crying? Talk to me, please." I pleaded.

"Remember the bank we invested all our savings to? Well it got bankrupt." She finally said.

"But what about us? Won't we get our money back?" I whispered.

"Well it would take a year to get that money back," She bit her lip. I didn't reply. I don't know what to, or how to in that matter.

"There's this friend of mine, she owns a house and it has two spair rooms. She has a son and a daughter. She told me that you can use her daughter's room since she already moved in with her fiance. Me and your sister Frankie can use the two other spair rooms. She offered us to stay there for the meantime," She continued.

"Mum we don't need that! We'll still have the house!" I argued. Did she really agree to that?

"Lena, you and I both know that we couldn't afford to pay for the rent if both you and your sister attend a prestigious university. And I wouldn't want you or her to stop studying. You do know that all I want is for you two to get good future right? Especially when I'm gone-" She started crying again.

"Mum don't say that, okay I agree, I accept or whatever, Just please stop crying." I cut her off. Do I have a choice? I knew she only wants what she thinks is best for us. I am thankful that I have her as my mother. She is caring, loving and she cooks good food.

We spent the whole day packing our things. We knew that we didn't have any other option. I also changed my mind about the whole 'moving into a new university to avoid the walking dick face!' fiasco. I knew myself that we couldn't afford to stay in our house since the electric bill would be too pricey, let alone change into a new university? that's just impossible.

I walked up the steps to the new house I now call my home. I sighed softly as I made my way up the cement steps and into the house.

"Grace! Long time no see, I'm glad you accepted my offer. Oh my I'm so rude are they your daughters? They look just like you!" A woman who looked like she was in her mid 40's said excitedly. She was really gorgeous. She pushed the door open to reveal a normal looking house.

"Yeah this one's Frankie and she's Elena," My mum replied.

"Hi it's nice to meet you, your house is amazing." I whispered as I looked at the antique vases. I couldn't help but stop and marvel at them.

"Oh they're made by my son! Speaking of my son, Zayn!" The woman said, her eyes on a guy about my age.

"Yeah mum? Is Aunt Grace here yet?" The guy said as he enters the house not looking at us.

"Yeah come here and introduce yourself," The woman replied.

"Zayn," The guy said, with a smile. He is simply gorgeous. He has a hardcore body, incredible jawline, hazel eyes and long eyelashes that actually compliment them. Everything.

"Why don't you show Elena here, her new room?" Her mum smirked.

"C'mon," Zayn didn't argue as he grabbed my hand and dashed up the stairs.

"So are you okay?" He said as he led me through a winding maze of rooms.

"Yeah I mean it's just a year-" I started.

"What I meant to say is about that Harry guy humiliating you," He stared at me, making sure I was okay. Damn those sexy eyes. I could melt through them.

"Uh yeah," I stuttered. What is wrong with me?

"Talk to me anytime, okay?" He said as he broke eye contact pushing a door open. I nodded.

"I'll just be across your room," He continued as he entered the room across mine. How lucky was I? A hot guy living and breathing across my room. I made a virtual happy dance in my head.

Once I made my way over to my new room. I plopped myself down on the big fluffy queen size bed and just relaxed for a couple minutes. When I realized I actually needed to get some sleep, I got up and headed over the curtains to close them. And guess what I just saw,

The walking dick face who humiliated me, and the guy who stole my lockers.

Yay life.


this was rated as FanFiction#425 and TeenFiction#745 yayayayay omg i'm shaking ily all

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