Chapter 6: First Kiss

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It's been 3 days since I tied the prank score. I had just finished eating my breakfast and I was about to go to school. I memorized the last part of the script that Louis wrote on my way to school. Oh god what if I mess up? What if I forget my lines? What if I tripped?  I always humiliate myself anyways. 

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by some noise I heard in the school hallways. Two people making out to be exact. You see I was that one person who you'll always find snooping around your room, ever since I was a kid. I followed those sounds which lead to the janitor's closet. I pressed my ear to the door and guess what I heard? moaning. Lots of moaning.

"Oh Niall," I heard the girl say. I blinked a few times while processing what I had just heard. Was that Janine? Oh my god- I thought before a hand coverd my mouth.

"What are you doing? Invading other people's privacy. Tsk." Harry said. I couldn't even talk since his hand was still covering my mouth. I was struggling to get him off me. I hated it when people touch me, he is basically raping me!

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"What I couldn't hear you?" He smirked as he dragged me through the school hallways. The second I get away from him I swear I will-

I heard a loud thump then I felt a sudden sharp pain on the right side of my head. And just like that? Everything went black.

I woke up in the clinic and as soon as I sat up I felt a throbbing pain throughout my head and I can't see straight. I blinked a couple times trying to get my vision back straight. What the hell happened to me? I looked around and saw Harry staring at me.

"Are you okay now?" Harry said.

"Why are you here?" I raised my left brow.

"Well since I am the one that put you here, might as well wait for you till you get your consciousness back my majesty," He rolled his eyes.

"Who knew you had a sweet bone in your body?" I teased.

"Stop teasing me Lena or I might get the wrong idea," He smirked again. I huffed.

Conceited baboon.

"Harry what time is it?" I said slowly.

"10 o' clock." He said glancing at his watch.

"Shit." I cursed.

"What now?" He demanded.

"We're late for our English class!" I screamed.

"Well then let's go!" He said grabbing my arm.

"Don't touch me," I said jerking my hand off. "I don't like it when people touch me." 

"Prude," He muttered.

"Conceited baboon," I retorted. And it went on and on until we reached the room.

"Nice of you two to decide and still join my class," Mr. Gomez, our teacher glared at both of us.

"Elena hit her head and fainted. I just helped her. Calm the fuck down." Harry sat in his chair.

"Well since you're extremely rude today, why don't you and your group start the presentation Mr.Styles?" Mr. Gomez smirked. I frowned.

"Fine," Harry stood up.

I stood up aswell as Louis, Niall and Janine. We went in front and started the presentation. Louis started narrating as Janine and Niall started acting out. Louis picked Harry as Romeo and me as Juliet. He said that we have chemistry. What a complete joke.

Normally this wouldn't have affected me this much but for some reason I was scared shitless. I was even controlling the urge to bite my nails. I mean I was going infront of the class with Harry! The guy who stole my locker, the guy who humiliated me, the guy who made me cry and the guy who is currently making my life a living hell!

Okay maybe I was overreacting a little bit?

Harry flicked my forehead which brought me back to reality as I realized that Niall and Janine's part was over and It was our turn to come into the scene.

"Juliet!" Harry said, exaggerating.

Is he purposely making me laugh?

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand

This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:

My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand

To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Harry said. I looked around the room and every girl was swooning at his reading. 

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,

Which mannerly devotion shows in this;

For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,

And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss." I said a bit shaky. Everyone in the room was silently listening to our skip.

"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" Harry said. He looked at me as if saying - Mess up and I'll pounce on your face.

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." I smiled. This was weird. I didn't particularly liked performing in front of class! I mean I was okay with presentations but those words just didn't sound normal coming from me!

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;

They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."  Harry said.

Just like when we had practice, the way Harry said it - there was just something about it. It sounded almost as if it was real. Like he was actually Romeo. I virtually slapped myself in the face. What am I thinking?

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake." I continued saying my lines, struggling between chuckling and blushing because for some weird reason the things he said somehow made me uncomfortable. I knew I was bad, but it could have been worst.

"Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take." He whispered, ending the skit.

He stared straight into my eyes when he said it, and to be honest it was too much to handle.

Breathe Elena! Just freaking breathe!

A play! This is just a freaking play!

I moved my eyes away from his. Harry scowled and touched my cheek. I returned my gaze at him and froze. He's just probably trying to make the play believable so we can have a good grade - I thought.

My thoughts were cut of as I felt him took a step closer. He was much more closer. Too close for my liking. Too close for a school presentation. Much too close. But truthfully? Right then, the class disappeared, the teacher disappeared, everything disappeard, except Harry. He cupped both sides of my face, right under my jaw, thumb over my cheek while his face inching closer and closer to mine, almost in slow motion but at the same time fast, way too fast.

 "oh my god, oH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" That was all my mind kept repeating. And Harry's eyes, his emerald ones were the last thing I saw before I felt his lips pressed against mine.


it's been too long since i last updated because i was simply lazy so i decided to give y'all some spg shit heh i'm not really good at these but did you guys like it? it's nearly 3am and it's school night so y'all owe me!

fan, vote and comment please! 

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