Chapter 15: You're Kind Of The Grinch

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An hour and a half later, naked Liam was gone and he left us to clean up his mess. 'Apparently' he had an important bussines. An hour passed and me and Harry were still cleaning the house. Well it was mostly me. Curse me for being a clean freak. And yes I'll admit that I'm a clean freak, got a promblem bro?

Harry had worked for 30 minutes and gave up deciding to watch cartoons. Yes, cartoons. Tom and Jerry to be exact. I was so concentrated in my cleaning I didn't notice Harry was so close till I felt a warm breath on my cheek. I turned to see him holding a pair of scossors to the end of my hair. I guess he wasn't expecting me to turn around because his hand moced and cut the end of my hair.

He cut my hair.

The jack-ass cut my hair!

Harry's face was full of shock as was mine, but was quickly replaced by anger. Harry did the smartest thing and ran. With that I sprinted out of my room and down the hall.

"Harry! Where the hell are you?" I yell at the empty hall. I was furious and I hear shuffling downstairs and I knew it had to be him, so I sprinted down the stairs. I followed the sound into the kitchen to see Harry opening the back door.

"Where do you think you're going?" I growled furiously. I saw his back stiffened and he whipped his head around so fast I swear I heard a crack.

"I-uh-I wasn't going anyw-where!" He stuttered helplessly, trying to maintin his cool and calm aura. But truth be told he was failing miserably. I started to walk to him and he started to back away. "I d-didn't mean t-to cu-ut your hair, I was just playing around! I swear!"

I ignored him, "You cut my freaking hair Harry!" I exclaimed, moving closer.

"I know I'm sorry!" His face was priceless, fear and shock was written all over it. But I can't stop now- "I can buy y-you a wig! or ext-tensions?!" That did it. I couldn't take it anymore so I burst out laughing. Mr. Bad Boy was scared of me! 

"Ohmygod. Holy crap Harry, your face was priceless!" I told him, trying to stop myself from laughing. Basically, I looked like a dying whale laughing/clapping in front of him.

"Are you done laughing?" I nodded still trying to catch my breath.

"So you're not mad?" He said slowly.

"I was at first, but then I saw your face, and that was the best revenge I could have ever gotten you!"

"I wasn't scared of you!" He defended his pride. I gave him a 'you're-shitting-me-right?' look and he just glared at me in return.

"Alright whatever you say big guy but I think it's time for me to go home." I said, looking at the clock in the kitchen.

"Okay I'll just get your things from my room and I'll meet you outside," I nodded as he headed back upstairs to get my stuff. 

I turned to walk out of the house, however a picture frame faced down above the fridge caught my eye. I took a chair to stand on and grabbed the picture frame to take a look and I was shocked to find who was in the picture.

A fifteen year old Harry and a brown haired girl around the same age were widely smiling back at me. She was pretty with her brown straight hair falling just past her shoulders and a round tan face with light brown eyes. Who is she? I thought. Why did Harry put the picture frame down? I heard footsteps coming so I put the picture frame back down onto the fridge and rushed out of the kitchen.

"Why are you still here? I told you to wait outside - is something wrong? You look a bit pale?" Harry asked in a concerned tone.

"Uh - yeah I'm completely fine." I said, trying to convince him. It seemed like he bought it because he just shrugged it off.

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