The Pest

235 27 3

Note: this chapter is full of hypocrisy seeing as this book is based purely on bitching, but hey, you're the one who added this story to your library.

This kind of, sorta, contradicts what I said earlier..yes I know..

So for you wankers that will comment "but you said" (you know who you are) can go try and find another reason to bash this story.

But this must be said. I can't take it.

And before I begin - yes more prologue (gotta make sure I don't piss off what few readers I still have) - I'm not talking about the general wattpadder. No. My ass talking about these pest that constantly and consistently bother you for an update.

Now typically, I don't see it on my content. Just cause frankly, I don't spend my life on the website as much as I used to. But when I tell you that these people are persistent, they are persistent.

Even when the author has said there won't be frequent updates they still feel the need to repeatedly add on every chapter "update. update." Notice how the use a period and not a question mark. Period equates to command. Command equates to sit your sorry ass down and shut up.

I started this website in what? My freshmen year? I'm a senior. I don't have time to sit around feeding these pigs content.

I actually care about my social life and grades. But then again I've seen the way most of these people write their so called "stories" so they prob get shit grades to begin with.

Now I feel kind of like an ass because I love my readers and I love that my content gets views but when I feel suffocated with "where's the next part" and so forth it just causes anxiety and writer's block.

But truthfully, this entire chapter is like a elephant on a tight rope. There's a thin line here. Some authors like when they comment "oh update" (I sure as hell did when I started on here) because it shows genuine interest but if taken the wrong way can get annoying.

Then again I'm really one to talk about updates seeing as I never really update this anymore. So don't listen to me. I voted for Trump.

Nah jk...pfft. I can't even vote.

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