Chapter 19- Jamia Lives!

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just to clear up any confusion, everything that happened in chapter 16, 17, and 18 all happened in one day... they were originally supposed to be combined but that would've been a long, never-ending chapter so I cut it into three parts :)


"James," I mumbled as I heard the sound of the doorbell ring around the house. "James..."

Patting the spot next to me where he was supposed to be, I half-opened one of my eyes and noticed he wasn't here.

The sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house followed by a round of knocks.

"Where the motherfuck is this man?" I groaned and got up out of the bed.

After James' proposal yesterday, we talked for hours after his father left. By the time we finished, it was almost four in the morning and we both decided it was too late for me to be driving home.

I'll admit sharing a bed with him for the first time was less awkward than I thought it'd be. His bed and the t-shirt he'd lent me to sleep in were both extremely comfortable. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and I'm an extremely deep sleeper, so I wouldn't even know if James did any crazy shit in his sleep like snore or accidentally try to choke me to death.

I remember Liv telling me once about the first time she and Jonathan slept in a bed together. She told me that despite Jonathan sweating bullets, she never felt uncomfortable sleeping with him that night because she loved him and felt safe with him.

Sure, I felt safe as hell when I was around James but did I love him?

Yeah, I'd been with many guys, but those were just casual flings. I'd never actually had a serious relationship with a guy, so I had no idea what it felt like to love someone.

The only person I'd ever actually loved was my mother, and the love I had for her is completely different from the love I'm supposed to have for my soon-to-be spouse.

Would I be upset if something happened to him? Yeah.

Would I cry? Maybe in private.

Would I miss him? Surprisingly, yes.

Did it hurt that he was only marrying so he could keep custody of his daughter and not because he loved me? Yeah, I'll admit it stings.

Despite his annoying, possessive, controlling ways, he'd actually grown on me and I wouldn't know what I would do if he was suddenly ripped out of my life.

So maybe I'm not completely in love with him yet, but I damn sure loved him enough to marry him out of blue.

Exiting James' room, the first thing I saw was a half-asleep thirteen-year-old rubbing her eyes and heading in my direction.

"Morning Mia," She yawned, "Where's my dad?"

"Apparently not here," I grumbled and began to make my way down the stairs as the doorbell rang again.

"Mia?" Josie called.

I looked back up at her.

"I don't mean to be a smart Aleck or anything, but last time I checked, when you go to answer the door, the normal thing is to wear pants," She pointed out. "But hey, you do you man."

Glancing down at my bare legs, I frowned. "Run to your dad's room and grab me a pair of pants real quick."

Josie laughed and darted off down the hall as the doorbell rang again.

"Just a fucking second!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, completely aggravated.

Sticking my legs into the sweatpants Josie handed me, I approached the door, ready to curse out whoever was going to pound down the house.

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