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Cade nudged Jayden's shoulder. "Hey, come on. Get up."

Jayden began to straighten up, coughing fine powder and dusting the gravel off of his face.

Cade helped Jayden to his feet and the both of them began making their way out of the narrow hall they were in.

"What happened?" Jayden asked as they blindly made their way through the tight darkness while crouching.

"It seems like the building's core gave in. Whoever designed this used the cheapest material they could find."

"Look." Jayden pointed at two bodies laying on top of each other. "Do you think they're still alive?"

He made his way towards them, not waiting for Cade to tell him how many flying fucks he could give.

"Hey. Hey." Jayden began shaking them, pulling one girl he'd never seen before off Nico, who was lying shirtless under her. Jayden began checking their pulse, wondering if they had died, before he'd gotten to the other guy, both began to moan and stir.

Jayden sighed in relief and smiled. He looked at Cade. "They're alive."

"And we need to get out of here. Let's go."

"What the hell–" Nico muttered, moaning in pain and slowly straightening up.

Camila turned on her back, her eyes slowly opening and confusion filling her eyes. The first person she saw was Jayden, who stared at her and felt immediate remorse. "What's going on?" She asked him.

"Get your fucking legs off of me!" Nico demanded, throwing his leg and pushing her legs to the side.

"Oh, sorry." She straightened up to her knees, then slowly began to stand up. Jayden helped her as Nico ignorantly dusted his jeans and stood to his feet.

"The building we were in collapsed. Thankfully, it seems like we're in one piece." Jayden clarified for them.

"Oh my god!" Camila covered her mouth, and not able to hold back, she began to cry. "I don't live here. My family's going to be so worried!"

"Cammy?" A girl's voice came from another area. "Cammy, is that you?"

Camila looked around. "Corrina?" She stumbled as she began looking around for the familiar voice.

Corrina walked into where they stood. Her face barely recognizable from the lines of blood that made their way down her face.

The two friends reunited and hugged it out, both crying. As Cade made his out of the space they stood in, Jayden and everyone else began following him.

"911, can I get your address please?"

"Its regarding the building collapse that happened in Blue River. I'm one of the survivors here." Jayden said. Cade dialed 911 and had given Jayden the phone as soon as they reached a room with a signal.

KISSED BY AMNESIAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin