1. Cross Dressing~

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I sighed, taking a sip of my already lukewarm coffee while sitting in my police cruiser. As usual, my day was hectic and made up of encounters with people ranging from robbers to immature teenagers. I never really wanted to be a cop, but the random encounters I had daily made up for that fact. I glanced at my watch again, I still had 2 hours left until I could head home for the night. I impatiently tapped my hand on my knee, waiting for the familiar sound of the walkie talkie to ring out in the car, telling me what I would do next.

"Officer L/N, are you there?" the voice of our coordinator, our superior who told each cop what to do, rang from the walkie talkie. I picked it up.

"Yes sir."

"We have a report of a pervert who tried to sneak into an all girl's school."

"Alright, send me the address and I'll head over there," I said, taking one last gulp of my coffee before letting a small smile slip on to my face.

This sounded like it would be interesting.


I pulled up in front of the school, parking my car by the curb. I exited and approached the guards, who seemed to be having an argument with the pervert, who happened to be cross dressing.

"Please let me in guards, I need to get to my after school club!" the man spoke in an obnoxiously fake girly voice. He wore a school girl uniform, exposing his hairy legs. He also wore a wig with two pigtails, carried a bright red purse and wore bright red lip stick.

"No way pervert!" the guard replied, increasing his grip on the man.

"I'm not a pervert!" the man exclaimed, going out of character for a second by talking in his regular voice. He coughed a few times, "I mean, I'm not a pervert!" he said in his obnoxious voice again. I approached the strange scene.

"Um hello, I'm here about the pervert?" I said.

"I'm not a pervert!" the man shouted again in exasperation, before coughing again, trying to go back to his girly voice.

"Thank god," the guard sighed in relief, passing the strange man to me, "This guy is so annoying, thanks officer."

"Of course," I nodded at the man before dragging the cross dresser towards my car, "Sir, I'm officer L/N, do you have any form of ID?" the man ruffled through his purse for a second before dramatically looking up at me again.

"Wait L/N? Are you L/N F/N?" he asked in shock.

"Eh? How do you know my name?" I asked the man. He quickly pulled out his drivers license from his red purse.

"Don't you remember me from school?" he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before I read his name off his driver's license.

"R-Reigen?! Reigen Arataka?!" I said in shock. Reigen was my friend back in high school. We were in the same class for all three years, and we were really close. We lost contact after high school though... at least until now.

"So you do remember me Y/N-chan!" he smiled. "Weird, I never saw you as the cop type."

"R-Reigen-kun, what the hell are you doing cross dressing and trying to get into a girl's school?!" I exclaimed at the man. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"That might take a bit of explaining..."


"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I mumbled, waiting for the fast food that Reigen had ordered. Since I wasn't going to arrest him, he insisted on going out for food so he could explain. Of course, he didn't have his wallet with him, so I had to pay.

Reigen Arataka Oneshots (Mob Psycho 100)Where stories live. Discover now