10. Affairs~

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3rd person POV-

It was a quiet day for customers. Reigen hadn't seen anyone except some lady who thought a ghost had possessed her shoe (there actually was no ghost, the shoe was just old, there was a hole in the bottom). Though, Reigen didn't mind this small crowd. He had better things on his mind then being the best psychic of the century.

Reigen held a pair of black binoculars up to his face as he stared out the second floor window of his business. He knew what he was waiting for would happen any moment now. For the last couple days, his girlfriend Y/N had claimed she was busy, and that she couldn't hang out with him. Yet, around 4PM each afternoon, he saw he walking around with anther man. He could see her laughing face as she listened to the stories this man would tell. It made Reigen fill with anger; he was supposed to make her laugh... not some stranger.

"Master... what are you doing?" Reigen froze at the sound of the familiar monotone voice. His face lit up in a slight blush when he realized what position he was in. His knees were on his office chair, his butt sticking out as he desperately searched outside for something. He quickly regained his composer, sitting down on his office chair properly, the little red tint still tainting his cheeks.

"Oi Mob, why are you here so early?" Reigen asked calmly, though the sweat trickling down his forehead showed his true composer.

"School ends early on Fridays," Mob explained, finally removing his shoes at the door and heading over to sit at the other side of Reigen's desk, "What were you doing when I came in?" he asked again.

"OH! I was.... uhh... USING THESE MAGIC BINOCULARS!" Reigen smiled as he came up with an excuse.

"Magic binoculars?"

"Yes! You look through them and you can see... umm... PEOPLE HAUNTED BY SPIRITS!!" Reigen exclaimed again.

"Really?! Can I try?" Mob asked. Reigen broke out into another nervous sweat.

"Uhh well you see... you might not be on the same level as me, where you can see the haunted people through the binoculars," Reigen explained, feeling happy with his excuse. He passed the binoculars to Mob, "But, you could try if you want."

"Thanks master," Mob said, taking the binoculars from his hands. He went up to the office window and stared out. After a few moments, he spoke again, "I can't see anything..."

"I guess that means you still got a lot of work to do to become as powerful as me!" Reigen smiled.

"I guess..." Mob mumbled, looking around the street below with the binoculars. "Oh I do see Y/N-san though.

"WHAT? WHERE?!" Reigen exclaimed loudly, practically ripping the binoculars out of Mob's hand, using them to peer at the street below.

"Um... Master?"

"Dammit! She's with that man again!" Reigen mumbled.

"A man?" Mob asked, stepping to the window to peer out to the street as well. Reigen was right, Y/N was walking down the street beside a man. He was talking to her, enjoying the reactions she gave to whatever he was saying.

"Dammit..." Reigen muttered again, "I thought she loved me."

"Master, I think Y/N-san loves you..." Mob said awkwardly, "Maybe this is just some misunderstanding."

"Maybe..." Reigen said. He suddenly brightened up, "Oi Mob, are you free tomorrow?"

"Um... I think so, why?"

"We have a job," Reigen smiled mischievously.

~The next day

The next day, Mob and Reigen met outside of Spirits and Such, ready to do their hardest job yet.

Reigen Arataka Oneshots (Mob Psycho 100)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ