8. Cuddles~

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3rd person POV

Reigen puffed his cheeks out childishly as he sat on the small couch in his living room. The apartment was filled with the humming sound of the microwave as Y/N heated up some microwaveable popcorn.

"Did you get the blankets yet?" Y/N called from the kitchen to Reigen, making him snap out of his childish state.

"U-uh no not yet," he stuttered out, letting his feet carry him to his room. Though Reigen loved movies, he was anxious about of watching them with Y/N. They didn't have a lot of time together anymore because of work, so Reigen tried to make every little date count, but he was hopeless when it came to romance. Reigen dragged a fluffy blanket back to the living room right as the microwave beeped. A few moments later, Y/N wandered into the room, a huge bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"What are we watching?" she asked, sitting on the couch, popcorn on her lap.

"Some b-rated thing I found," he shrugged, putting the disk in the machine, waiting for the movie to play.

He sat on the other side of the couch then Y/N, anticipating what would happen next. He never had cuddled with anyone, not even her, so the thought of such an act flustered him incredibly. For now, he and Y/N laid on the opposite sides of the couch, snacking on the popcorn in between them while watching the movie, which was about Cowboys. Reigen was tense, still think about the possible cuddling.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked, glancing over at him with concern.

"I-I'm fine..." he stuttered, looking down in embarrassment.

"You seem tense..." the girl muttered, eyeing him suspiciously. "Do you want a massage?"

"W-what?! No I'm fine."

"It's fine, I don't mind," Y/N smiled, making her way to the other side of the couch before sitting behind him. He tensed slightly at her touch, but relaxed as she kneaded his shoulder precisely. Reigen still kept a pout on his face, he definitely didn't want the date to go like this. If anything, he wanted to kneed her shoulder as she sighed with pleasure under his touch. "What's with the pout?" she asked, kissing his jaw.

"I'm not pouting," he replied.

"Yes you are!" Y/N smiled, leaving his back before sitting in front of him, "What else would you call this?" she said, imitating his pouty state.

"I'm not doing that!" he said, embarrassed.

"Sure..." Y/N said, stretching out the word so it seemed sarcastic, "Can you just tell me what's bothering you?"

"It's nothing..."

"Tell me.." she cooed, kissing his jaw again. He fell weak under her touch whenever she did that. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation as his mouth started moving on its own.

"I want to cuddle..." he said. Y/N stopped her kiss and pulled away, looking to his eyes as if she was searching to see if it was the truth. She could tell by the blush forming on his face that it was.

"Aww! You're too cute!" she smiled, making the man's blush deepen, "You could have just asked." She laid down beside him, already feeling the heat of his body combined with hers. Reigen's hands slowly reached around her torso, pulling her closer.


"Hmm?" Y/N responded, hoping he would say the words that neither of them had dared utter yet.

"...Your feet are cold," he said. Y/N pouted, pulling her feet away from his.

"Sorry," she chuckled. Reigen smiled slightly before he closed his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep with the sound of the movie in the background and his girlfriend's body heat warming him up.


Reigen woke up the next morning alone on the couch. The smell of bacon and eggs filled his nose, making him wake up faster then usual. He was slightly sad that Y/N left him on the couch alone, but the food took that thought away from him. He entered the kitchen.

"Good morning," he said, walking behind Y/N and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

" 'Morning," she smiled, turning to face him before standing on her toes to kiss him.

"What're you making?"

"I made bacon, eggs, toast, and pancakes," she smiled triumphantly at the food around her. Reigen stared in awe, the amazing food along with his girlfriend's smile made his mouth move by itself again.

"Oh my god, I love you!" The room was silent for a second after her spoke, almost as if his words had frozen times. A huge red blush formed on his face. "I-I I'm sorry, it just came ou-"

"I love you too," the girl smiled in front of him, making his eyes widen in shock. She kissed him on the lips again, yet this time, the kiss was full of passion and loving. They both pulled away to catch their breath before Y/N burst out laughing.

"W-what is it?"

"I didn't think the first times you'd say 'I love you' would be over food!" she laughed more.

"I-I was hungry ok?!" he said. The girl laughed again, but this time Reigen joined her.


This one was shorter but I really loved it! I totally see Reigen as the guy who would be nervous about PDA, and who would say 'I love you' accidentally XD.

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