4. Cupcakes~

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3rd Person POV

Reigen and Mob returned after a routine exorcism. Reigen had insisted on going back to his office afterwards for takoyaki, and Mob agreed, not wanting to disrespect his master's wishes. Little did they know the string of events that would follow.

They ate the takoyaki, discussing facts from their exorcism, before footsteps could be heard from the stairs that lead up to their office. The door swung open.

"Sorry we're closed for- wait Y/N?" Reigen said, dropping his takoyaki from his chopsticks comicly as his girlfriend stood at the door with her usual bright smile plastered on her face. Mob quickly saved the food from falling on the floor with his powers, bringing it back to his masters plate.

"Hey Reigen-kun! Mob-kun!" she smiled, "Sorry for the intrusion!" she chirped politely. Heading over to where they sat.

"Hello L/N-san," Mob said politely with a bow.

"I told you Mob, you can call me Y/N," she said. She took a seat beside Reigen and sighed, catching her breath.

"I didn't know you we're coming by today," Reigen said in his normal voice. Truth was, he was hiding a smile. He wanted to see her all week, but couldn't because of work.

"I was in the area so I thought I'd drop by," she explained, "Plus I haven't seen Mob-kun for awhile!"

"It's nice to see you too L/N- I-I mean Y/N-san," Mob said politely again. Reigen frowned slightly, wanting the attention from his girlfriend after not being able to see her for so long.

Reigen decided to take matters into his own hands, so when Mob and Y/N were chatting, he started doing stupid things to try and get her attention. First he tried flipping his hair, in a way to make Y/N swoon. She didn't even budge. He pouted and decided to start make funny faces, again, to no avail. He kept trying strange things to get her attention.

"Master what are you doing?" Mob asked, being the first to acknowledge his masters weirdness. Reigen froze in an awkward position, his chop sticks placed near his mouth, as he tried to look like a walrus. He was on one knee and stuck his arms out.

"N-nothing!" Reigen exclaimed, quickly adjusting his position back to normal, causing both Mob and Y/N to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Oh Master! I forgot to tell you that I can't come into work on the 12th," Mob said, as the thought popped suddenly into his head.

"Eh? Why?" Reigen asked, internally panicking that Mob finally figured out that he was truly a con man.

"It's my birthday that day, so I'll be busy," the boy explained.

"Ah that's fine," Reigen said, hoping that no serious work came on that day. Mob's phone buzzed in his pocket, making the boy quickly check it.

"Oh it's my mom, I need to head home," Mob said, standing up before bowing. "It was nice to see you L/N-san," he said before walking out of the office.

"I said call me Y/N!" the girl called after him. She chuckled at the strange boy's behaviour before she turned her head to see her boyfriend.

"I missed you!" she said, hugging him. He returned the embrace, taking in the warmness of her body, loving the way her hands rubbed along his back.

"I missed you too," he mumbled.

"Hey Reigen-kun, we should do something for Mob to celebrate his birthday!" Y/N said, pulling back from the hug to look into his eyes.

"Eh? Like what?" he asked, confusion on his face.

"I don't know... Make him sweets, buy him something... What does Mob-kun like?" she asked. Reigen tried to think of something, but his mind ran blank.

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