12. Valentine's Day~

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People showed interest so I'm back to updating! Depending on how well the updates do, I'll continue the book. I have a few requests, but thought I'd do something special for Valentine's Day (since I'm single af lol). That being said, send any other requests in! The more requests, the more likely I am to continue the book!


"This is it..." Dimple muttered as he watched the unusual scene play out in front of him, "He's really lost his mind this time, hasn't he?"

Mob didn't say anything, too preoccupied watching Reigen pace back and forward in the tiny Spirits And Such building. As per usual, Reigen looked completely out of his mind, his steps exaggerated in long, stealthy strides. He was murmuring mostly inaudible sentences, though occasionally a few words would squeeze their way from his lips.

"No, not chocolate! That's too basic..." Reigen murmured to himself, completely unaware of his young disciple and strange spirit friend watching his movements. One of his hands was to his chin, scratching it as if he was a philosopher in deep thought, and his other hand was stuffed in the pockets of his pants, fidgeting nervously, "and too expensive..."

"I'm not crazy, right?!" Dimple exclaimed again, "Him pacing for two hours straight is crazy, right?!"

"Dimple, be quiet," Mob murmured, "Master's thinking."

"Like I care!" The spirit exclaimed, "Oi! Crazy! What the hell are you doing?!" Dimple's deep voice rang out in the empty establishment, and Reigen jumped in surprise, as if he had forgotten Mob and Dimple had been watching him this whole time. Reigen's attention snapped to the two of them, and he walked in quick, desperate strides to reach them.

"Isn't it obvious?!" Reigen cried dramatically, falling to his knees in front of the young boy and green spirit, "Don't you guys know what tomorrow is?!"

"Umm... Thursday..?" Mob questioned innocently.

"NO NOT THURDAY!" Reigen exclaimed, standing up and stalking towards his desk to grab a calendar, his movements even more exaggerated than before.

"But Master. today's Wednesday so tomorrow's thu-"

"IT'S VALENTINES DAY TOMORROW!" Reigen exclaimed, showing his calendar to the spirit and boy quickly. The 14th February was circled in red ink and had hearts drawn all over it. Reigen clutched the book to his chest like a school girl, "and I have no idea what to get Y/N-Chan!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Dimple practically yelled in surprise, "You're this worked up over a stupid holiday? Just get her flowers or something!"

"Flowers are too basic!" Reigen whined, " chocolates are too basic, flowers are too basic, stuffed animals are too basic, IT'S ALL TOO BASIC!" Reigen cried, slumping down in his chair in defeat, "and too expensive..."

"I'm sure L/N-san wouldn't care what you got her," Mob reasoned, walking up to Reigen's desk, "She likes any gift you get her. Remember that time you gave her that rock that looked like a cat?"

"Or that time you gave her two packets of salt from McDonald's to protect her from spirits," Dimple rolled his eyes, "Why does she even date you anyway..."

"But it's Valentine's Day! I need to get her something special!" Reigen pouted, laying his head down on the desk, "she's worth more than rocks and free salt..."

"Don't worry, Master, we'll help you find the perfect gift for L/N-san," Mob encouraged.

"We? Why are you grouping me into this?!" Dimple exclaimed.

"You will?" Reigen questioned, dramatic tears forming in his brown eyes as he suddenly burst up from his desk chair, pulled Mob and Dimple into a tight hug, "This is why you two are my best friends!"

Reigen Arataka Oneshots (Mob Psycho 100)Where stories live. Discover now