5. The Ghost of the Ramen Shop~

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Your POV

I stood over the pot of ramen, patiently waiting for it to cook. I've had my job at a local ramen shop for two months now, and I loved it. The atmosphere was so inviting, and I found the job simple, since making ramen was I thing I'd done for years. Though I wouldn't admit it, my favourite day to work was Fridays because my favourite customers came that day.

They were a blonde man, around my age, and a middle school aged boy. The other workers told me to stay away from the man, since it was rumoured that he was a con man and a bad person, but the way he treated the kid and the small actions I saw him take told me otherwise.

The familiar sound of the door chimes ringing echoed through the restaurant. I quickly removed the ramen from the stove top and made my way to the front of the shop. To my luck, it was the boy and man, who were seated at the corner of the shop as usual.

"You take their orders L/N," my supervisor told me, "You're the only one who actually can stand them."

"Yes senpai," I bowed politely. I gave them a minute or two to look over the menu before making my way over.

"Welcome to the Ramen Shop, can I take your order?" I asked, smiling brightly at the two.

"Ah hi L/N-san," the boy said to me. I ended up chatting with him one time when the blonde man had to leave earlier. The blonde man pouted childishly as I laughed at something the younger kid had said.

"Umm... I'll have the miso," the boy said, awkwardly handing me his menu.

"And I'll have the tsukemen!" the man said, passing me his menu excitedly. He always had the weirdest reactions to things, going from serious to random in a matter of seconds.

"Coming right up!" I bowed, making my back to the kitchen to show the chefs the orders. After giving the chef the order card, I went to clear some guests tables, while listening to the conversations around me. As per usual on Fridays, the loudest conversation came from the duo in the corner.

"You did good on the exorcism today Mob!" The man praised, patting the boy on the head.

"Thanks master. Why did you need me though? The spirit was very weak," the boy asked the man. I took a glance over at them to see the man starting to sweat. He waved his hands around awkwardly.

"W-well it's part of your training! I leave the low level ones to you so that you can uhhh... practice?" the man said, words coming out more as a question the an answer. He kept on being tense until the boy talked again.

"Ah, ok master," the boy said. I furrowed my eyebrows in thought as I went back to the kitchen. Exorcism? What were they talking about?

"L/N! The orders!"

"Y-yes senpai!" I snapped my self out of my train of thought before grabbing the orders for the two and bringing the ramen to their table. "Hope you enjoy your meal!" I bowed again, leaving them.


"The shop's closing in ten minutes!" my supervisor called out to the customers. Any remaining customers slowly made their way up the counter to pay. Of course, the last ones there were the man and boy.

"That will be ¥1700," I told the man. He pulled the money out of his almost empty wallet, dropping some things in the progress. A business card fell past me and onto the other side of the counter. He quickly paid before the boy and him left. I picked his business card off the floor.

Spirits and Such Consultation Office

"Guess he wasn't joking about that exorcism thing..." I mumbled, sticking the card in my back pocket as I continued to clean the restaurant up.

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