6. Jealous~

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Thanks for all the reads!~

3rd person POV

"I'm so excited!" the H/C girl chirped as she walked hand in hand with her blonde boyfriend down the street. A local fair had come to town and since Reigen had a lack of business, he decided to take the hyper girl to look around.

"What do you want to do first Y/N-chan?" Reigen asked, glancing over at her with his normal steady features, though a little smile tugged at his lips.

"Hmmm... do you want to play some games?" she asked, gesturing over to a section of the street lined with various game booths. Stuffed animals hung from the booths, beaconing people to play so that they could claim one.

"Ok!" Reigen exclaimed, pulling her over towards a ring toss booth.

"Step right up! Land a ring around a bottle and when a prize!" the man running the booth said, attracting various people to try and win. Reigen passed the man some yen, and got 6 rings in return.

"Here Y/N-chan!" he smiled, passing her some rings. She happily took half before attempting to toss them on the the bottles, failing each time. She pouted in defeat.

"You can do it Reigen-kun!" she smiled, kissing his cheek before he attempted to throw. He stuck his tongue out comically, before tossing a ring.

"OWWW!" Someone exclaimed as Reigen's rings hit there head. Reigen sighed, tossing another ring.

"HEY! YOU'LL HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT!" a lady shouted as Reigen's ring hit her wig off her head, causing it to hit the ground and get dirty. Reigen tensed up, throwing the last ring....

Which ended up hitting a guy beside him.

"Oh my god are you ok?!" Y/N asked, hurrying over to the man while Reigen stood there, pouting childishly about losing.

"I'm fine," the man reassured, taking Y/N's hand to stand up. Reigen's face twitched as he watched the action, obviously hating the sight of it.

"Thank goodness!" Y/N smiled. The man returned the smile before tossing his first ring, which he landed directly on a bottle without trying.

"Congrats! You've won!" the guy running the booth smiled, passing the stranger a huge stuffed animal of a dog.

"Here, you can have this..." the man awkwardly said, handing Y/N the animal. Reigen stared on, his teeth clenching in peer jealously.

"I shouldn't..." Y/N mumbled, the blush on her face making Reigen more upset.

"Please, I insist, the beautiful girl who helped me should keep this," the man smiled. That sent Reigen over the breaking point, causing him to grab Y/N's arms and start to pull her out of the area.

"Wah! Reigen?" Y/N exclaimed as she was being pulled away, "Thank you!" She yelled back at the stranger, who stared angrily at the interruption that Reigen caused.


"Let's not play anymore games for awhile!" Reigen said, returning to his cheerful attitude after the man was no where in sight.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Y/N asked, clasping on to his hand tighter as they walked through a group of people.

"Hey what a lovely couple!" A girl said from behind them, causing Reigen and Y/N to turn around. "You should come in my shop! It's perfect for a couple like you!"

"Sure!" Y/N smiled, pulling Reigen towards the shop. Inside was basically a huge gift shop full of things to buy your significant other. Walls were lined with anything from chocolates to flowers, video games or manga books. Basically anything you could thing of resided in this shop.

And unfortunately, there was a lot of single guys in this shop, waiting to spot a random girl to give a present to.

As Reigen and Y/N entered, Y/N let go of his hand, so that they could part ways and look around the shop. The many single guys spotted her and rushed over to her.

"Please accept this gift!" one said, holding out a plastic watering can.

"No accept mine!" another said, holding out some moldy bread.

"Uhhhh..." Y/N trailed off as all the gifts were shoved her way.

"She doesn't want that! She wants this!" one guy said shoving a water bottle at her.

"No! She wants this!" another said, holding out a newspaper. Meanwhile, Reigen stood a few feet away, clenching his fist in rage. He pushed his way through the guys before pulling Y/N out of the shop.

"No fair... he didn't even give her a gift..." the guys mumbled, waiting for the next unexpecting girl to wander into the store.


"Um Reigen? Are you ok?" Y/N asked as Reigen dragged her through the crowed streets.

"Never better!" he forced a smile, tightening his grip on her hand, making her wince.

"Why don't we just go eat or something?" Y/N asked, trying to Reigen's mind off of the weird things that had happened that day.

"Sure," Reigen sighed, finding the nearest restaurant. They sat at the table in silence for a bit, Reigen frowning as he stared at the menu. Y/N furrowed her eyes at his strange behaviour.

"Hello and welcome to Generic Restaurant!" a young waiter said. He smirked down at Y/N, loving the way her shining eyes looked up at him, "Can I take your order?"


Reigen sat there, the weirdest expression plastering his face as he watched the waiter, yet again, flirt with Y/N. Se kept laughing at all his stupid puns, which made the situation even more unbearable.

"What's the worst part about throwing a party in space?" the waiter asked.

"Hmmm? I don't know!"

"You have to planet," the man finished. The girl broke out in laughter.

"Ok ok if you liked that one you'll love this! Why couldn't the bicycle stand up on its own?"


"Cause it was two tired,"

"Oh my god you should be a comedian!"

"Hey are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got fine written all over you!"

"Oh my god," Y/N blushed at his obvious pick up line. Reigen dramatically stood up, tossing the waiter the yen needed to pay.

"Heh thanks for that comedy routine," Reigen said, "But you know if laughters the best medicine, then people looking at your face should be enough," Reigen stated before grabbing Y/N's hand and pulling her out of the restaurant as she snickered at the joke.


"So what should we do now?" Y/N asked.

"Let's just go home..."

"Eh why? We've barely seen any of the featival!" Reigen didn't answer and pulled Y/N away from the crowded street. "Ah I get it, you're jealous!"

"I'm not jealous!" Reigen said, waving his hands in front of his face as he shook his head no.

"Yes you are! Oh my god I never took you as the jealous type!" Y/N laughed, as Reigen tried to prove he wasn't jealous.

"Whatever..." he muttered, knowing he lost this fight. Y/N grabbed on to his hand again, as they continued walking.

"Don't worry about," she smiled kissing his cheek, "You're the only one I care about."


I really wanted to do a jealous Reigen, but I had no idea how to make it comedic, so this what happened XD.

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