2. Con Man~

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I made my way down the old, cracked sidewalk, occasionally looking down at the map on my phone, hoping I wouldn't get lost in this part of town. I took a glance up to finally see the sign I was looking for.

Spirits and Such Consultation Office

I hesitantly looked from my phone to the sign. The place seemed suspicious, but I was out of options. I sighed, opening the door and walked up the creaky stairs, quietly opening the door to the business. I saw a blonde man sitting at his desk. The walls were covered in posters, which has the same blonde man's face along with some blurbs about him being the best psychic of this century. I glanced at the man again, who read manga at his desk. He seemed bored, his hand rested gently on his chin as he flipped through his book.

Yeah, he's definitely a fake.

"Um, excuse me?" I said. The man dramatically jumped at my voice before turning his gaze from his manga to me, "I'm L/N Y/N... I talked to you on the phone..."

"Ah L/N-san! Take a seat and tell me what I, the amazing Reinen Arataka, can do to help you," he said, his voice full of confidence. I took a seat at the other side of his desk and sceptically started my story.

"I moved into a new apartment recently. It was really cheap because the seller said it was haunted. I thought that was just some excuse or something, but I think it's true."

"What's happening that makes you think it's haunted?" he asked, losing his childish behaviour from before as he looked at me seriously.

"Well everyday when I wake up, I make sure to fluff my pillow so that when I get back home I can jump into my futon and have a nap," I explained, "but whenever I come home, there's always a head print on my pillow. My head then feels sore when I try to sleep, so I can't take my nap." The man stared at me seriously before he suddenly turned cheerful.

"A ghost disturbing your sleep? No problem I can get rid of it! I, Reigen Arataka, accept this request!"

"Why do you keep saying your name..." I mumbled, as he pulled a paper out of his desk drawer.

"Now you just need to choose your course!" he exclaimed, passing me a paper full of expensive paying options.

"Ehh? Course?"


I walked through the halls of my apartment building, guiding Reigen to my apartment. He looked around curiously.

"I sense a powerful presence," he said, turning his head to face me.

"Eh really? Which apartment is it from?" I asked him, hoping to test his credibility.

"Um... THAT ONE!" he said, pointing to an apartment door after a moment of hesitation "I SENSE TWO EVIL SPIRITS IN THAT AREA, THE EVIL AURA IS RADIATING INTO THE HALL! THIS IS THE MOST EVIL I'VE SENSED IN A LO-"

"Um Reigen-san? My apartment is over there...." I trailed off, pointing over to a door a few doors down.

"I-um- yes! I sense something over there too! I just um..." he trailed off, sweat forming on his face.

"Are you sure you're a psychic?" I asked, sceptically glancing at him as I opened my door.

"Don't doubt me L/N-san, I'm the greatest psychic of this century!"

"I've had two other psychics tell me that this week," I rolled my eyes. I closed the door behind us, and we both removed our shoes. "My room is over there," I walked past my small kitchen to my bedroom, "See? The head mark is there!" I pointed at my pillow.

Reigen Arataka Oneshots (Mob Psycho 100)Where stories live. Discover now