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Had to post today cause it's Reigen's birthday! Happy birthday salt man~ I was gonna draw fan art, but ya know my drawing sucks, so I thought I would write instead, since I can do that lmao~

1st person POV

Being a member of claw wasn't as bad as it seemed. The members were fairly close, they became like a family, something I had never had. So, when intruders broke in on that one dark night, I felt personally attacked. I needed to get rid of them to save claw, my family. Luckily, everything seemed under control. The scars had defeated the boy espers, including the one who emitted a powerful aura.

"Good job L/N," a fellow scar, Sakurai praised me. I was a scar myself, but unlike the other members, my scar was on the back of my neck, almost invisible from view.

"Thanks," I replied, sitting down at the long meeting table. The atmosphere was finally calm. The boys were all in the power proof room, rendering them useless. Yet, the 5 weaker psychic kids had managed to escape still. I let out a grateful sigh, leaning back in the chair before the calm of the room was interrupted by the door of the room to be busted open.

"Mr. Division Leader sir! The boss is here!" a frantic lower level esper exclaimed, making the division leader, along with all the other scars stand up.

"What? He wasn't supposed to be here until the end of the month!"

"He just showed up now!" the lower esper said again. The division leader took a set of deep breaths before giving out commands.

"Sukurai, Matsuo, Muraki, go locate those bratty kids, L/N, go greet the boss," he commanded. We all set out to do our jobs. I happened to have met the boss once during his last visit, since the division leader considered me a stronger esper. I was almost giddy to see him again, he was an amazingly powerful man.

"Oh Mr.Boss, you're so kind!"

"We're so sorry we kidnapped those kids boss!"

"The division leader always made you seem so scary!"

"Please forgive us for being careless, boss!"

The sounds of various voices from lower level espers guided me towards the boss. A mob of people surrounded him, making, him hard to see.

"We locked the intruders up, boss sir!"

"They were trying to over throw this organization!"

"Being me to them," the man said. My eyebrows creased in confusion. I didn't remember the boss's voice to be the way it was. This mans voice was less deep, and held a certain tone of understanding to it. I quickly ran after them.

"Open the room," he commanded once they arrived at the esper proof room.

"But boss sir..."

"Shhhh, boss said open it, so open it!"

The junkies scrambled to open the door, revealing the three boys in the room. The three boys in the room tensed as the door open, but relaxed at the sight of the 'boss'.

"Yo Mob, what are you doing here?" the boss spoke, "You missed work today. What if I needed your skills?"

"Master!" one boy exclaimed in delight. I quickly ran foreword, wondering what the hell was happening.

"Out of my way!" I pushed various people until I got to the front of them. There stood a man with short blonde hair and dazzling eyes. He wore a simple suit, making him seem somewhat professional, though his shirt was untucked messily. "You're not the boss... Who are you?!" I asked him in shock.

"What do you mean he's not the boss?"

"Of course he's the boss L/N-San!"

"Shut up!" I yelled towards the lower levels, making them all run away in fear, "Do I need to repeat myself? Who the hell are you?" I used my powers to pick him, hanging him above me. The man stared at me blankly before a bright smile popped on his face.

"I'm Reigen Arataka! The greatest psychic of this century!" he smiled, pulling a business card out of his pocket.

"Wha- psychic?!" I said, the shock causing me to drop him down, "but I don't sense anything from you at all..."

"I umm... I-I'm just so powerful that I can hide my powers!" he quickly stammered to an excuse. "Come on Mob, lets go," the boy, presumably Mob started following him out, along with the two other boys that we captured.

"Don't go anywhere!" I exclaimed, using my powers to attempt to attack them. The younger boys blocked all the attacks while the man just stood there looking at me unamused. My anger increased at his incredible laid back attitude.

"Listen, can we do this later? It's getting late, I have work tomorrow you know," the man said, holding up his hand towards me to make a stop motion. "Do you know how much work it took to get a taxi to come up here? I'm so tired!"

"Wha? You just wanna stop the fight?" I said, utterly confused by this mans attitude.

"Of course, master can't fight anyway. He said never to use violence against women," one of the boys said to me.

"....What?" I said again, confused.

"Sorry, we're going," the man said once again. I clenched my fist in anger, using my powers to pin the man to the wall.

"You can't just run away from a fight? What are you, stupid?" I said, angrily at the man. He seemed unfazed by me.

"I don't think I'm the stupid one here," he said blankly to me. I increased my grip on him in anger. "It's ok to run away."

"What did you just say?! Was that an insult?!" I attempted to attack him further, but had to let him go to defend against the other esper kids, who attempted to attack me.

"Why do you fight for his organization?" he asked me in a more serious tone.

"What else would I do?" I said, still blocking attacks, "I hate the world, I have no other purpose."

"Everyone has a purpose," he said. I widened my eyes at him in shock; he didn't seem like the philosophical type to me. "Just because you hate the world, doesn't mean you should join an organization to take over it."

"You... Who are you....?"

"Didn't I tell you already?" he asked with confusion, "I'm Reigen Arataka, the greatest psychic of this century!" he posed dramatically as he did this.

"Master... salts falling out of your pocket," the young boy, prompting Reigen to quickly fix that problem.

"Damn it! That's the third time today! Stupid salt bags, they never stay closed..."

"What..." I muttered," You know what... just go..." I said, heading my attacks on them. I didn't see the purpose anymore. The man brought another thought to my head. He made me think of a true purpose. I didn't need to attack society to make me happy.

"Master, can we go out for ramen?" the boy, Mob, asked.

"Yeah sure," the man replied, "Just promise not to skip work again! I need you to take care of the spir- I-I mean, I need to train you!" Their voices slowly faded, leaving me in the silent hallway alone. I picked up the mans business card, which had fallen on the floor in the fight. His words still rang through my head.

Maybe I'd pay him a visit one day.


This one was kinda trash but IM BACK. OMG I MISSED THIS BOOK.

I'm trying to start this book again. Updates might not be weekly, but I'll try my best.

Thank you for all your support. If you enjoyed this oneshot, please vote, comment and follow me maybe.


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