3. Haunted House~

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Your POV

"Can you explain one more time..." I spoke into the phone.

"Y/N-chan I've explained like 5 times!"

"I just don't understand," I grumbled, sitting down on my small couch at my apartment, "Can you please explain one more time Reigen?"

"Fine," he sighed, "I got a request to exorcize a ghost in an old haunted house. Mob can't come because it's a school night, so I want you to come."

"But I'm not an esper... why do you want me to come?"

"I thought it'd be fun!" he said childishly through the phone.

"Really... that's your only reason..?"

"Yeah! That and I need you to protect me from cockroaches!"



"This is my only day off this week! Why should I waste it going to some stupid haunted house?" I asked, wiping my plans to watch anime all night out of my mind.

"Come on Y/N it could be fun! Plus we haven't hung out it awhile!"

"I do wanna hang out... but not at some old haunted house..."

"Come on Y/N! Please~" he begged.


"I seriously still can't believe you made me come..." I grumbled, sitting next to Reigen on the train. He peered out the window and the scenery, before turning back to me.

"I never told you that you had to come," he said, cockily. I grumbled, knowing I lost this fight. Ever since I met Reigen in High School, I alway gave into whatever he wanted me to do. He just had some sort of charm that could convince you of anything, I guess that's how he became a good con man.

"What are we gonna do if we actually see a ghost?! Neither of us can exorcize it!" I exclaimed, trying to change the subject. I leaned back into the train seat in exasperation.

"Don't worry Y/N-chan," he said, "Haunted places are usually fake, I doubt there is actually a ghost there."

"And if there is?"

"We take a picture of it, and I edit it later so we can show a before an after picture to our clients!"

"You really are a con man..." I grumbled, crossing my arms in frustration.

"N-no I'm not!" he exclaimed, before pulling me up from the seat, "Now come on, this is our stop." He pulled me to the train doors, which opened, exposing a bright green forest behind them.

"Did we really have to come here at night?" I mumbled as we walked through the forest on an old dirt path. Crows cawed in the distance, giving the whole forest a creepy feel. It felt as if we were in a horror game, as we slowly trenched along. Not to mention, it was pitch black, so the only way we could see was by using Reigen's cellphone as a light source.

"Ghosts are more active at night," Reigen shrugged.

"Then why would you come?! We have no way to exor-" I cut my sentence short as I peered at the building ahead.

"Looks like we're here!" Reigen smiled. The house was basically the text book imagine of a haunted house. The building was old, some of the material on the side of it was gone, leaving the wood exposed. The roof was pointy, and spider webs hung down from it. The door was cracked open slightly, almost as if some spirit was teasing us to come in.

"Do we really have to go in there...?" I mumbled, slowly taking a few steps back from Reigen, preparing to make a run for it back to the train station.

Reigen Arataka Oneshots (Mob Psycho 100)Where stories live. Discover now