Chapter Thirteen: You always hurt the ones you Love

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"Victor!" Gabriel yelled his name. His long hair fluttered as he ran up the stairs. Gabriel quickly knocked on the door of Victor's study and not waiting for a reply, peeked in. Victor sat at the table. He rested his cheek on his hand. Victor's hair fell on his shoulders and chest. His eyes were closed. Victor was asleep. Gabriel smiled lightly and walked in. He closed the door quietly and stepping carefully like a cat approached the table. He leaned closer to Victor's face studying the man's features. Gabriel saw that face so many times, he could paint a portrait with his eyes closed, and yet, somehow, every time he looked at it again, there was something new that he didn't catch a glimpse of.

*He is handsome...* Gabriel though bringing his face even closer. His breath tickled Victor's face and he opened his eyes. Gabriel blinked and jumped away. "So...sorry,"

"What were you trying to do?" Victor's voice sounded deeper than usual.

"Nothing at all!" Gabriel quickly replied.

"Are you sure?" Victor pressed. He leaned towards Gabriel with a sly smirk playing on his thin lips. Instantly young man leaned back and tripped over his own feet. With a low squeak he threw his arms in the air and embraced the fall. He groaned quietly and rubbed his hand as he stood up once again. "You are clumsy," Victor stated taking Gabriel's hand into his. He rubbed his thumb over the pale flesh before he brought it to his lips and planted a soft gentle kiss on the inner part. Gabriel shuddered, feeling delighted. Victor's simple touch was almost devouring the whole of him. Victor noticed the slight pink blush that played on Gabriel's cheek.

The master pushed Gabriel's hair behind his ear. Such a gesture exposed young man's slender neck and pinkish ear. Victor smiled. *So inviting*. He leaned in and planted a kiss on the crook of young man's neck. Without hesitations Gabriel's arms snaked around Victor's waist as young man stepped closer.

*He is so obedient lately,* Victor thought. *It makes me wonder why...*

With a gentle push Victor parted from Gabriel. The confusion on young man's face was so obvious that Victor could not help but ruffle his hair. "Were you looking for me? Is anything the matter?" he asked sitting back in his armchair.

Gabriel shook his head. "I wanted to show you the sweater Annabelle knitted for Oscar."

Victor furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "A sweater? For a dog?"

"Yes." Gabriel nodded again. "It's a perfect fit!"

Victor rolled his eyes not knowing what to say to that statement. "I will take a look," he finally said. Gabriel lightened up. His heartfelt smile gave Victor a strange feeling in his stomach. Unintentionally he placed his wide hand on his toned belly as if trying to comfort the bothersome feeling.

"Are you okay?" asked Gabriel gently touching Victor's arm.

"Yes. Shall we?" Victor replied, quickly removing his hand from his stomach.

A nod from Gabriel followed. Young man led the way quietly with the same smile plastered on his face, but for some reason he could not get rid of stinging feeling of worry.


"Do you think there is a reason behind why Shreds wants this man captured?" Lee asked. He sat on the bed with his legs touching the floor. His partner sat in front of him on the floor between his legs. Archer's back was facing Lee. Lee passed the teeth of the hairbrush through his partner's long thick hair. His movements were slow and delicate, as if he was taking exceptional care combing Archer's hair. "A man like Victor Cabrera is admired and hated, but the look in that man eyes gave off a feeling that there was something else,"

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